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RE: Thinking Out The Box: Curation Rewards

in #steemit7 years ago

To be honest, self-voting is overblown an issue. It’s the easiest to get rid off.

Creating a second account isn’t that easy as it sounds like. The second account still needs SP. oh hey, I have an account I now use for curation, i.e. to write about great reads and all SP it makes I delegate to my main. So I can reward those I upvote better.

Outlaw self-voting (with code) and if people want to create and use alt accounts for it, it means more SP in circulation. Unless, of course, they will dilute themselves.


It is easy for those with masses of SP though. They just farm out a big portion of it. For them the issue is getting the votes back and if self voting were not allowed then they would probably farm their sp out somewhere else or even worse just start voting someone that wasnt them but actually was

Agreed with that. There’s some things we will never be able to fully eradicate (should we), even less so in a world of a blockchain since one can easily interact directly with the blockchain.

But if defined by Governance as not welcome, the whole ethics around it would change.

I admit I have not looked yet in to how often do (big) whales statistically write. I’m not convinced that an investor would come here and focus on curation to make their money back. That just seems like a waste of time, and an absolutely poor ROI, to me.

Delegation is most definitely a much sweeter business model. Spreading the wealth and delegating to new, positive projects on Steem even more so. Because, eventually, the depth of the Steem ecosystem will define whether Steem goes up or flatlines. Not just the blogging which is right now the most prevalent activity. I think that’s way too shortsighted a focus. Content isn’t worth THAT much.

Just ask Ev Williams (blogger/blogspot, twitter, and medium founder).

I completely agree. For an investor there are ways to maximise their return which do not involve interaction with steemit themselves. Steem is a currency. There can be other ways which should be looked at. There are a few curators out there who do incredibly well. But it is not the norm and involves a lot of work I think

... and involves a lot of work I think.

Looking at a more traditional form of curation, a pre-likes/RTs/Digg/Reddit/Web2.0 form of curation, it is a full-time job.

Most high profile creators like Jason Kottke, John Gruber, the Boing Boing crew, Drudge Report started with curation on the side until popular.

Many of those still run multiple projects, or jobs as such, actually despite publicly known revenue for their sites being generally awesome.

Given that on Steem it is more difficult even, although more and more have their own submission process but that also comes with lots of noise, it surely is a lot of work.

I am a curator in that older spirit/sense btw. Apologies for the shameless plug.

I don't mind a shameless plug, it's obvious from reading your comments that you are not a link drop and away kind of person :0)

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