Steemit incentivizes creativity (Penny for your thoughts)

in #steemit7 years ago

I love the effect Steemit is having, people are sharing their ideas!. I am a teacher and I can't emphasize how important I think this is. People are shy, they're nervous, they're scared about putting themselves out there and of discussing an idea they've had. But give that same person a reward, even if it's only a few cents, and they open right up. I wish I could pay my students to express themselves more.

source pixabay

But it gets so much better than that, as a lot of us have found out, if you post an idea off the top of your head, twitter style, you're probably not going to get much of a reward. Steemit's reward system encourages us not only to share our ideas, but to put a lot of work into fleshing them out before we post them. A well thought out idea will be much better received, than just the kernel of one . This 'fleshing out' of ideas also leads us to self regulate ourselves, I have had a number of ideas for posts, that after thinking them through, I had managed to disprove the point I thought I was making. While on twitter these half baked thoughts would of been long past sent and forgotten.

Now whenever I think of something interesting or thought provoking, instead of writing that short tweet, I jot it down on a piece of paper. And when I have time, I reexamine it, and then try to expand on it before finally posting it here. In fairness most of the time I find out that what I found interesting or thought provoking is very often actually banal and boring to most. But at least I get a few cents out of a thoughtful yet boring post on steemit rather than the nothing I get on reddit or twitter.

Stay thinking, stay posting

  • I decided to look through some old posts and see if any were worth editing and reposting. I found the one you read above, here's the original. I have to say it was good fun reading some of my posts, often I would laugh at how crappy they are and sometimes be like wow did I write this? this is good. This is one of the post I found good so hence the repost, let me know what you think of the post or about reposting in general.

I love this platform. As you've mentioned, this site pushes you to learn.

I have always liked photography, but have never put much effort into it. Since I started using Steemit, I have really started to learn what makes a good photograph. Not only am I taking so many more of them, but I believe that I am taking much better pictures as well. This in itself is more rewarding than the steem I have begun to earn.

I plan on focusing on my writing style, and my post formatting next. :)

I think it is a great idea to go back and repost some of your earlier work!

Nice read - so true. Why not make up a computer/social media lesson and get some students on steemit with writing assignments? I know the wait list is long now for steemit but it could be a month in the making type of assignment. Get their parents involved even. Get families learning/writing/creating with kids on steemit. Kids can learn early about what hard work is actually worth in the real world. Tell the parents to put the funds/wallet away for college.

maths teacher so there is no relevant application that I can think of.

I wish I could pay my students to express themselves more.

hmmm, maybe it's time to create ............. SchoolCoin, or a more classroom interactive version of steemit called "SteemSchool"! lol

Hey there! What do you teach? English? What do you predict will happen when the youth get on steemit? They have so much influence on future generations.

I'm a maths teacher. As to the question what will happen if 'the youth' get on steemit, that would be pretty big, advertisers pay the biggest money to reach under 20 year olds other than older generations, it is at those ages that they pick the brands they trend to stay with there whole lifes, so advertisers pay through the nose for them. Now that's assuming that steemit can monetize itself through ads in some way.

But it is a big if as it is hard to predict what 'the youth' will be interested by, but I will say for about 5,000 generations now all generations have been interested in money

Saw that you liked one of my post and swung by to have a look at your blog! Thank you for the up vote. Please have a look at my other post and up vote them as well. Have a good one.

Thank you for upvoting my photo. If you like that one you will love my other ones.

Lets share upvote to me friend

It is pretty cool that you can look at an old post and see your own progress. I can't wait to do that with my own work and critique it.

Great insight! Steemit is awesome.
Thanks for the support btw! :D

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