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RE: Steemit Facebook Advertising Campaign: How people interacted with our Ads

in #steemit7 years ago

The confusion on signing up will be multiplied one hundred-fold when they actually get here.

I have 11M fb contacts in active groups and I'm holding off inviting them until I can cobble together some kind of New Users Guide. My plan is to offer that as a pdf so they can see what they are signing up for before they bumble around like I did in the beginning [and like I still do].

I've made a few mentions in some of my groups and definitely get interest. My issue is finding:

Content creators
Who can spend the time here
Who will feel the payoff is worth it

But I don't want to invite them here - have them fail - and then trash talk. I have gotten a few replies that say, "I tried that place - it is too hard and not worth it." So I need to be able to counter that with a good intro guide, my testimonial, and results.

I already have Intro Guides for Simbi and Twitter. I get good response and people like my pdfs. I hope I can reproduce that for here, but jeez - what a place :)

Currently, I can say I made $80 wallet value in one month here. That dwarfs any other place so I feel I will have a good result when I try to convince people to try steemit.


Hey @fitinfun :)

There won't be any need for having a pdf guide for signing up; the process shouldn't be hard for anyone and I believe that Steemit won't go mainstream before the sign up process is as simple as signing up for a Facebook account or a Gmail account.

The experience is different from signing up to any website really, but with the upcoming update, it should be a lot easier which will help in both attracting new users and increasing the sign up rates.

Let's just wait and see.. this should be interesting.

It's not really the initial sign up that my pdf will address.

I'm going to be including the "top tips" for the first month, such as don't run out your steem power percentage by upvoting like crazy. I got down to 40% before I even understood this was a thing to worry about here.

But most of the pdf will just guide people to help that is helpful and already posted by others. Hopefully to shrink the huge learning curve here.

It's what you do, and the results you get in the first 10 days that helps people like the place and want to stay. My first 10 days were full of mistakes that I could have easily avoided. I don't think many content creators would not continue if they had the same poor start as I did.

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