Well, Steemit Just Got A Real Competitor
I really like the concept of steemit, and what HAS been executed has been amazing. It just got orphaned by its developers and has never lived up to the potential. This new platform may fall flat too, but it sounds like they took the best ideas of from steemit and tried to make it a real vehicle for free speech, a true meritocracy for independent media. I will be signing up tomorrow, if any of my steemit friends sign up, be sure to let me know!
This looks like a "centralized" version of Steem, and if they are using a new coin, that will add complexity to the mix. But a "centralized company" running the show might have advantages too. Hard to tell right away...
I'm sort of weird, I use a computer to access the internet. (Remember 1995-2015?) I'm a content creator with a team. We're being censored by YT and FB, and this is right up my alley.... but I would NEVER use a smart device. Is there really no other way?
I think U missed the other two, it was also avail on Roku and web/tv services, Plus a traditional website. Just like this. ;-)
The "and website" seems very thrown onto the end, but I have my fingers crossed it's fully functional and well supported, because then I'd be very interested in getting involved. Tired of the YT and FB censorship.
I don't know what Roku or webTV are, I'm afraid. 10 years ago I destroyed my TV and cancelled cable. My desktop is how I get information, run my businesses, manage my team, and do my activism. :D
I can get behind that, in fact I have not had antennae or cable hookups for almost that long myself. Roku and webTV etc. are for "smart TV's" and require a streaming hookup to the web. It allows some very good content via smart TV apps, but really not much you cannot get on a good laptop or desktop, with a good monitor. IMO it would be a travesty to NOT have a complete website, but even if it was "mobile oriented" they now have the laptops running "apps" which are downloadable just like phone apps, and listed on the same page as the phone apps. I have no doubts that with a new enough desktop or laptop, you can access this new deal. I was unaware that the PC's were running apps like phones until I got this HP laptop I am using now.
We've never met, but I am trying to position myself as a "Canna-Witness" and we are @sapphic for that server. I am in what will be perhaps the last state to legalize... Indiana LOL! I predict it will be decriminalized/legalized federally before that happens, in fact. I did a short article on that, seems we have a Big Name (John Boehner, former Speaker of the House) in our corner now. I will supply that link on request, do not want to spam @fishyculture's comment section :-D
Nice to meet you, @drutter !
Nice to meet you too :)
Thank you for that info. I purposely stay out of certain topics completely. There are pros and cons of course, but overall it works for me. A drawback obviously is falling behind in conversations like this, but you've caught me up nicely. I certainly hope they let desktoppers be involved, and don't go the way of Instagram and other sites that pretty much require Smartness.
I haven't gotten involved with the witness stuff as of yet, but I could probably be convinced to support somebody I shared some ideals with!
So, you smoke, or dab? : p
EDIT: We could spam one of my posts instead, if you want. Fishy is pretty friendly though, and as long as we don't go forever, or talk about really bizarre shit, I don't expect violence! heheh
As of this time, no smoke for me... But I have, it's been a while! I do love the CBD. Miracle Stuff! As for smoking, I have regular pee-tests and it is just easier to hold off until I retire. Then I shall Vape it ;)
OK linky….
Not really a hard hitting article by me, but I think the support of Boehner, and (likely?) possible future support from Trump would git-r-done... Once Sessions is gone. Might even be soon! I know that as a business man, Trump would see the usefulness of the revenue that Cannabis would surely generate. It's a no brainer, actually. Just my 2¢ but I have seen supposed "insider info" that the Prez is open to the idea. Not political info, but the real schizz, the Business Insider Info ;) I got a business insider PDF file in 2014 that perfectly described and predicted all the events in the Middle East. Spot On ;) I think we are onto something here, where common sense might overcome politics for once.
My original artwork, added to "EMOJI" (OK Hand)

Well, they had BETTER get something done, and quick! People are suffering and dying, and history will judge anyone standing in the way of this safe and natural medicine! Let's not fark around with it.
I think one of the main pushbacks is the old world elites know a few heads are going to have to roll over this. Decades of lying to the people, millions dead and imprisoned, and it's still going all over the planet. Sick, sick shit!
But the internet has been a game-changer, and the people know about the endocannabinoid system now (well, they're slowly getting educated, at least).
Isn't CBD incredible? Almost no psychoactivity, just balances your systems, softens pain, heals emotional wounds, holds off PTSD, relaxes muscles, helps sleep, improves senses and overall health, and so on. "Just", hehe.
And to think, it's just one of 120+ known cannabinoids! We only know what 5 or 6 of them do. I can't wait for more experimentation and research!
Well, I believe that the growing and extraction regimens produce a mixture of the main cannabinoids, and traces of the rest. I did not check into that but I saw a chart with vapor temperatures of the main ones plus THC. They are so similar in those aspects, that I'd imagine CBD, CBB and CBN, among others, all are produced in the industrial hemp plants. Once we really get going, they will be able to cross breed and produce some wild hybrids that just OOZE the most productive, and Profitable oils that nature provides :-)
I agree, Git-R-Done! (legalization)
I still use a computer too. The small screen on hand held devices just doesn't work with my old eyes. You are more observant than I, I did not catch the smart device thing... I am "background surfing" while I work on other stuff, so I have not delved into it yet, I just listened to the video.
I've emailed them again, this time about being involved with a desktop PC. Hope to hear back good news :)
I wound up with the grandkids for a couple days, let me know what find out. I am not going to get to it until Saturday at the earliest, I have playmates lol!
Hahah, ok! Enjoy them :)
I did get a quick email back, promising they will have a fully-functional website option, not sure when or anything like that. Cautiously optimistic.
I just watched it and it also has a website, along with "smart devices" and being available on things like Roku and smart- TV arrangements. If they excluded traditional Web (PC) that would be stupid. I did not gather that take at all...
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
This sounds right up my alley, I am huge one for news blogging...if you get a link please pass it on.
Still have not had time to sign up, but here is the link! https://isegoria.com/
Going to try to get it done today.
Right now it just lets you sign up for email alerts for when they are ready, it's not set up yet.
Yeah, I finally got a moment yesterday and realized I had not really ever needed more than a moment lol!
That is funny...lol, right on the money about that!
Interesting. Let us know what you think