JOKER Movie Review

in #steemit5 years ago

2 days ago i saw one of the most anticipated movies of the year! You know which one i am talking about, there is no need to tell you. Just check the title or maybe you would like to hear a joke?

Knock Knock 

Who's there?

It's me Joker!

Because i am in a good mood let me assure you that there will be NO SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW, or at least big ones. In other words sit back, grab a bag full of chips or a cup full of hot chocolate and enjoy reading this post! If you don't enjoy it, it will hurt my feelings and then i will find you!

A Bit Of Plot

The movie takes place in Gotham City during the 80s. Joker or Arthur Fleck as they know him is portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix who in my opinion gave his everything in this movie. Anyway, Arthur Fleck lived all his life in Gotham city, a city that is presented to be full of unfairness and struggles. There is a huge power gap between the rick and the poor and most of the city is full trash,rats,drugs and ofc poverty.

Arthur works as a clown for a clown agency (yep it's true, there are these kind of agencies as well) but his utter goal is to become a stand up comedian and finally show up in a national television talk show in which his idol Murray Franklin(Robert De Niro) hosts.

Also, Arthur lives with his mom in a small apartment and is taking care of her. At the same time he struggles with his issues both economical and mental. The economical part is because the clown job pay isn't that good while at the same time is considered a creep from his co-workers and he even gets bullied by random street punks.

Regarding his mental issues, he seems to have a lot, as he is taking a lot of medications, he is talking with a therapist and he is also under a condition in which he randomly laughs for a sort period. Imagine for example being in a funeral and you burst in laughs... well something like this .

During the course of the movie that's revolving around Arthur, making everyone else looking like an extra, we get to see how many "slaps" from life Arthur is keep on receiving and how slowly but steadily he becomes to what we know as Joker.  

My Thoughts

I enjoyed the movie so much that i caught myself thinking "finally a fucking great movie". It felt like i was watching a movie that will get written down in history and be in the pantheon of movies. It reminds me the Titanic for example. All those people that watched in the cinema when it first came out can proudly say "I WAS THERE" :P 

or with Deadpool :p

I have seen way too many superhero/antihero/villain  movies and series but this was something else. First of all, i really enjoyed the whole turn to realism-drama merged with the dark element and ofc DC universe. Secondly, the pace that the the movie was developing, was very structured and careful. Many people in different scenes will feel like " I've been there" or "i have a friend who've been there" and as natural feel sorry about Arthur. 

Life is unfair we all know it and this movie pretty much makes it seem more like a fact than an old saying! 

Now regarding the action/violence scenes and acting. As far as it concerns the action or violence scenes don't expect that many i have to tell you that. There is a but though and as i said it may not have that many but that's the point. Allow me to explain what i mean and thank for allowing it in advance! What the Director wanted was just a few action/violence scenes but those to be socking and brutal. He achieved this greatly and i can tell because a couple of people around me in the cinema yelled at some of those scenes "WOW" "WTF" "FUCK" or just jumped a bit from their sits.

About the acting i could easily make another post. Joaquin Phoenix was legendary, he outperformed himself you could say. He had to change multiple times things like his walk, his stance, his facial expressions, his laugh, everything. In many scenes he both laughs while crying and being sad at the same time! Literally, it's like you are watching a movie with only him acting and even if you change all of the other actors the result will be the exactly the same!

My Rating  


Joker most known origin story is that he fell down to a tank full of chemical waste but in this movie the chemical waste are the society itself!

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I was going to ask you if you'd seen it. It looks like we were both equally anticipating this movie. I (with my hubby) went to see it (yesterday) with enormous expectations and I was not disappointed. My goodness. Like you said, it felt like: "Finally! A magnificent movie!".

It's touching and disturbing. It's deeply artistic: the performance, the colours, the soundtrack. I am in love! :D I also feel inspired to write about it :)

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