Feeling Like A Failure in Steemit? Then Quit Bitching Around and Read This

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Save your bitching for the bartender

This phrase is only one out of the many things discussed by @luzcypher in his New to Steemit? - Steemit Tips You Need To Know to Succeed on Steemit.

I don't exactly remember how I came across this post. I think it began with me trying to find a useful link on how to insert side by side photos in steemit. I know. It might be a basic thing for you guys and in my almost 5 months here on steemit, I should have known already but I've read a lot of things and tried them but I still didn't get it. I got frustrated last night and ended up sleeping early because I was not able to figure it out.

Anyway...back to the present.

I came across this post and the moment I read it, I knew I had to read everything. It was not a short one I'm telling you! But this is a must read ! Each of us, whether new or not in the platform should definitely read this; we all have a thing or two that will get out of this.

My almost 5 months of writing here in steemit is always a hit or miss. Usually, it's on the miss side. And I had been frustrated to look at my posts with almost to nothing upvotes and sbds gained. To think I had burned the midnight oil just to write about it. All those almost sleepless nights in vain right? Then you start asking why and get frustrated. And then, you start bitching around. Yes, I do that too. Most times if I'm being honest.

Does bitching around make you gain more here in steemit? Definitely not. If we will refer again to the post of @luzcypher, then we will realize that bitching around will do us no good at all. If some of our posts failed and did not get any attention we hoped it will get, then it's not a reason to sulk or bitch about it. Rather than doing so, maybe you should try again..do better! Look at it on a new perspective and take on the challenge to improve yourself and succeed in the platform.

There really is no shortcut to success. If you want to attain something, you should work for it.

I can't discuss it any better than @luzcypher did so I will just leave it up to you guys to check out his post. It's an eye opener for us all.

Thank you for dropping by. ❤

All the best! {always}
~filnette 🍀



Thank you for sharing your content with #theluvbug :)

This post has received a 100% upvote and a resteem. Be sure to share the news of @theluvbug with your blogging buddies - and remember to keep a look out for our daily posts where you can share your links :)



Spreading the STEEMIT LOVE with upvotes and resteems of INSPIRING, MOTIVATIONAL & POSITIVE Steemit content. Use #theluvbug to get my attention :)



Thank you so much @theluvbug. Will certainly be on the lookout for your daily posts and will share this with others as well. GOD BLESS :)

Thanks for the shout out. People responded well to that post when I made it and it seems to have helped people.

If you liked that one you'll probably learn something on this one too.


I learned a lot from this post alone from you. Thank you once again. I'm hoping that thru this, some will be able to learn from it as well. Thanks for another link. I'll sure to check it out soon.

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