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RE: Death By Bidbot: The Fair Use Of Steem

in #steemit5 years ago

I completely disagree bid bots change anything. Afterall, all you should do is ignore the trending page, right?

What makes you think curation deserving posts would see better upvotes if there were no bid bots?

STEEM's problem is not the blockchain.


The trending page is the calling card for new users, how are they meant to know that they should ignore it?

What makes you think curation deserving posts would see better upvotes if there were no bid bots?

Because I was around before the bidbots existed.


The trending page is the calling card for new users, how are they meant to know that they should ignore it?

By using their brains.

Because I was around before the bidbots existed.

... I guess logic is worth shit nowadays.

By using their brains.

So somebody who comes across a completely new concept, and wants to find out more, is somehow not using their brain because they have no idea how it works?

Pretty harsh.

What about you? Are you able to instantly understand new concepts and ideas after only a few seconds of studying them? If so, please link me to the genius inventions you have obviously been involved in.


You have some weird interpretations about what I wrote, but I'm still interested in this:

What makes you think curation deserving posts would see better upvotes if there were no bid bots?

Can you give me a logical answer? Because of bad mood I was having at the time, I couldn't be polite (sorry about that). I want to know why you think that, nowadays, posts would get better upvotes if there were no bid bots.

Can you give me a logical answer? Because of bad mood I was having at the time, I couldn't be polite (sorry about that). I want to know why you think that, nowadays, posts would get better upvotes if there were no bid bots.

No problem.

The reason I think it would be better is because of what we saw in the first price fall after the initial excitement, and in subsequent price drops before the bidbots.

So when the price drops, you also get a corresponding drop in users. This means that there are less users around producing content, meaning that the whales and dolphins (and curation teams) who stuck around found it easier to find good content.

Also it meant it was easier to get on the trending page because of less competition. Whilst the big SP holders still have their favourites, their votes were spread more evenly, because they were less inclined to vote up lame posts with big amounts.

So this meant that the same size reward pool was being shared among the smaller user base, and within that base it tended to be (mostly) the higher quality posts getting voted. This meant that new people were getting noticed and they were getting higher rewards, which in turn drew people back to the platform, which made the price go up.

Now with the bidbots, the votes are not getting spread about in the same human way. Now it is just a case of the trending page being driven by the highest bidder.

So in the past a price drop might have seen a trending page full of interesting quality articles, now with the bidbots that won't happen.

So that was my point, is that the bidbots have had an unforseen negative impact on Steemit, and since Steemit is the main driver of the price of Steem, then so too have they had an adverse effect on that as well.

I just think that price drops used to be an opportunity for quality content producers to get themselves heard without so much noise. So maybe as someone suggested, the bidbot posts should have their own tag, and leave the trending page to the organically voted content.


There's also how The global "new posts" page is actually curateable now. (Post is 9 days old). If someone paid me to make a list of every single awesome new post, 5 to 7 days a week, I would.

Yeah I just read that, good point, and perhaps an unforseen benefit of the RC system. Sure the new tag is good, however that's not my issue.

My issue is the fact that Trending is the first page you see as a potentially new user. When I share my articles on FB, 99.99% of my 'friends' are not Steemit users. Ergo if they do read my article, hitting the trending tag is probably what a lot of them do. Most, if not all of them will be put off by that page, and what's worse, they won't understand why it's a load of crap.

If someone paid me to make a list of every single awesome new post, 5 to 7 days a week, I would.

I used to do that for free, but then after the bidbots it became very difficult to find good content.


I used to do that for free, but then after the bidbots it became very difficult to find good content.

For every tag? Wow.

My issue is the fact that Trending is the first page you see as a potentially new user.

Well, we can just make it a secondary tag. The problem is, what can we show as the first tab? With the new RC system eliminating spam, I feel "New" is actually good enough. I think "New" should be the default tab.

What if bidbot SP delegators instead decided to upvote stuff themselves? That would be great and it would completely eliminate the need for bidbots. But they won't do it, generally because it just doesn't pay enough.

So the real solution is coming up with ways to sufficiently award those SP holders so they don't feel like relying on bidbots is their best option. Because let's face it, it's generally one of the best options.

Hmm, I don't agree, using autovote works well, you can follow curation trails or make your own. Sure it's faster to just delegate to a bid bot, however as far as returns are concerned you can make just as much, if not more by using the autovote service.


True, but autovoting demands a little effort to set up the first time. You know how people dislike making an effort!

I don't think trails are profitable enough, though. Except for the leader of the trail ovbiously, because of upvote weight rules.

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