Thank You Steemit and Sndbox + Recap year 2017

in #steemit7 years ago


So many things happened in 2017 and all the good changes are thanks to this fabulous Steemit platform and Sndbox community that I joined already for 2 months! I started really posting consistently this year somewhere in April/May thanks to my husband @tarekadam who kept talking about Steemit and I really had enough of him talking about Steemit. He just kept talking non-stop! You have no idea!

I started investing that month only €150!!! Where I got this money from? I was trading Forex before. So when I started in 2016 I didn't invest anything and posted only 2 times. I stopped posting because I only made 4 cents for my second post and didn't know what to post. There was no motivation for me to post and I felt my English wasn't good enough to blog/post. I felt very depressive because it was also difficult to find a job and was rejected so many times. I applied more than 100 x and I always made sure I wrote a good motivation letter and let my husband always re-check my motivation letter. Deep in my heart I always knew that I never wanted to work for a company because I get quickly bored with routinely but mostly I often feel like I want to take over my manager's position because I believe my manager doesn't do his/her job good. I always wanted to be my own boss since a very young age. My bills were just coming and coming and I didn't like to ask my husband to pay for my own bills. So I had to cut costs everywhere I could. It was financially and emotionally a tough time for me.


These two pair of earrings are the reasons I felt motivated to post consistently and let my creative juices flow. I just decided I wanted to post about Steemit earrings and asked my husband to print it out for me with his 3d printer. I didn't know anything about 3d designing or printing it. I was also never interested and told my husband he wasted his money with this 3d printer. The reason I thought it was wasted money was because he only printed statues. So I was very surprised many people liked both the pairs of Steemit earrings. I remember my husband asking: Are you sure you want to make another pair of Steemit earrings? He looked at me very doubtful :-D.

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Never in my life I thought I would 3d design and print a 3d steemit gun-lip balm- 2 in 1.


Or designing/printing a Steemit chocolate box with real Steemit chocolate

Thanking my followers and everyone who upvoted/resteemed my posts

It doesn't matter how skilful or talented we are on Steemit, we need each other. You can be super talented in anything you do, but if no one upvotes you, then you have no audience. So I am very grateful for everyone who ever upvoted me, without you I am lost! It doesn't matter if you are a whale, a dolphin or a minnow like me, I-NEED-YOU. I can make a list of the people who ever upvoted/resteemed me and regularly commented on my posts, but it would be endless!


I just want to give you a BIG KISS!

Thanks to @sndbox I can pay my bills ;-). I cashed out in total already around €1000 and paid some bills (student loan debt). I still have a huge debt but I believe I can pay off my debt in 2018.


I wish everyone a splendid 2018 and hope all our goals will come true!

Source images: 12



Your story is amazing and i love it. Thanks for sharing it, I've been following you for some time now. Keep up the good work, dont give up.

Thank you for reading my post @neri0x. No, I won't give up ;-)

A great story about steemit. Thanks a lot for your past creative lessons.
Will be wait see you next 2018 with lot creative lessons.

Thank you. Yes, more will come next year ;-)

Very inspiring post @fathin-shihab. It is nice to see how you have grown! And this is just the beginning for you because you are very talented.
All the best for you and your family in 2018!

Thank you very much @diamondinform. You too all the best and I hope I see you start blogging in 2018 ;-)

Thank you @fathin-shihab. And yes, I will start blogging in 2018. Say... after tomorrow. :)

Wow.... Thank you so much @fathin-shihab. You really inspired Me with this post.
Indeed With steemit, there's hope of a wealthy future. ...

You're welcome ;-). Yes, Let's hope so!

Even thou I have not been on here for a good few weeks now as I was busy doing some other things in my life. It`s fantastic to see you really progress and it is always superb to see what your imagination brings to a reality. Just to wish you a Happy New Year for 2018 too!

Thanks! Good to hear you're back :-). You too Happy new year!

Your welcome and many thanks too. My target is to be on here around twice a week so be looking forward to seeing your fantastic new creative designs in 2018.

great post,excellent steem art,i like this post
thanks for sharing

Happy New Year

Happy new year!!!

Marvelous life story. I read it by heart. It also inspired me. I believe steemit change the life any one. Following you and upvoted. Thanks my friend.

Thank you very much. Yes, Steemit can change anyone's life :-)

Wow! Excellent post and amazing experience of yours on steemit 2017. You are so much creative my friend. Wish you a great success in 2018 my friend.

Thanks @fathin-shihab for sharing this post.😊

Happy new year!!🎉🎉🎊🎊

Succes met je goals. Gaat wel goed komen denk ik :)

En die Steemit gun is echt baas gewoon.


Dank je @markush!En jij ook met jouw goals! Ik hoop het echt! Zolang Steem prijs zo blijft of hoger en niet onder de 1 euro zal het hopelijk wel lukken ja. Ja die Steemit gun vind ik zelf heel grappig :-D

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