Steemit Scrooge

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


In the beginning I didn't get to know any Steemit Scrooge, or maybe I was just blind. I was just upvoting every nice comment I received on my posts with 100%. Didn't understand about voting power. I actually never had a bad comment so far from anyone. The more I understand the Steemit platform, the more I was curious about the people who upvoted me, trying to upvote them back as a "Thank you". That's just me. Of course I check their posts too first. So the last couple of months I have noticed there are some people who commented me on almost every post. The comments are all nice. First I upvoted and replied the comments even though I realised that they actually never upvoted me. Starting from last month, I don't upvote their comments anymore, but only comment back. I comment back with "Thank you for reading and upvoting my post ;-). One person got the message but the rest not. Not that there are many.


Sometimes I wonder If they understand the platform. That they also get rewarded for upvoting others. If you are completely new, I understand you may still not understand it, you still need to learn. But If you are already a few months here, you should understand that your upvote is not coming from your wallet.

After some research, I noticed there are two types of Steemit Scrooge:

  • Giving nice comments saying that they really like my posts but not upvoting my posts.
  • Giving upvotes starting with 0,0-- %. Be careful now: These are not whales or dolphins. These are minnows, just like me.

Of course it is all up to you how much you want to upvote others. But upvoting someone with 0,0--% is not even 1 cent, as a minnow or even smaller, a plankton. It would be different when you would be a whale. But even whales don't upvote with a 0,0--%. At least, I never experienced that.

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So, my question is actually, why on earth would some one not want to upvote posts that they like so much that they comment only on the posts? If voting power isn't low like below 15%? Do they really feel that their upvote for some one will come from their wallet? Or are they just greedy? Or could it be envy?

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Well, these words above say enough, you won't get a better post or getting more upvotes by doing what you're doing. Instead of being a Steemit Scrooge, we all as minnows should support each other if we see posts with good content and leave greediness and enviousness. Don't we want Steem price to go up and UP? The more we support each other the better Steem price will be, that's what I believe. We won't grow if we would all be a Steemit Scrooge.
So you can decide if you want to be Ebenezer Scrooge or support each other. I choose #2.


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Have you ever had a Steemit Scrooge commenting on your post(s) and not upvoting? How do deal with them?


I'll upvote that ;-)

If I think it's worth adding a comment I always upvote. Half of the accounts on steemit are leeches and the other half are just brilliant people. My take on it: ignore the first half, not worth the energy.

Yeah, i also believe im just gonna ignore them ;-)

Very well written. Those are valid points and there are many who just write the nicest comments, but don't bother upvoting. So what I do is respond to their comment, but don't upvote them. There are those who use apps to comment, and they get paid for the comment, but they still don't upvote you. For those, I don't even bother responding because they don't care about the post, but by being paid for the comment through the app. You just have to suss people out which is not fun, but it's gotta be done! Btw, I love the quote, so true.

Oh, I didn't know that they use apps for commenting. That's just laziness! Thank you ;-)

lol the apps not necessarily bad, especially if a person is using them to get extra for their comment. But these scrooges use them only to be rewarded for commenting through the app, and not interested in community interaction. No worries!

I love that the platform is transparent so these Steemit Scrooges can be discovered. We just need to put on our Sherlock Holmes coats ( u already have a nice one ) and look out for people like this. It's rather pathetic this kind of behavior because in Steemit you only get as far as the others are willing to carry you . No one wants to carry a Scrooge

Yes, it is totally different than FB. hahaha! yes, I have my Sherlocka Holmes cape coat I can use to investigate ;-). I believe @sherlockholmes has stopped doing researching/investigating. So someone needs to take over.

Haha someone has to indeed !

even i got to a learn a lot over the time

Well am coming back to upvote this once my lil power regenerate. BUT YOU NAILED IT!

I have them plenty on my post😊

wow! they really love you I guess :-D

Well well @fathin-shihab, am I too early to comment? Or are people afraid to comment on this post?
I laughed out loud reading your post. But you are right. I do not understand either how someone can like a post so much to comment positive on it, and don't upvote it. I can think maybe some of them forgot to do so? But I think others do it on purpose.

But you know what @fathin-shihab, keep doing what you are doing. Your posts are genuine, good and funny. You upvote whatever you want.
The Scrooges will realize the power of helping on another some day!

hahaha! They probably are scared to be noticed! Awww, that's nice of you. Yes, they will find out that upvoting others is also benefiting them.

This platform is awesome i try my best to promote it , its a the best site in the net

That's how we do it

Great post and narrative. Thank you for sharing!

Hi @fathin-shihab,

Once you gather all the advise and had some thoughts on it, may I suggest you make a part 2 post and give us all some guidance on how to deal with Steemit Scrooges?

Thanks! Peace ✌ & 💖 love.

UpVoted and Following you too!

hahaha! Im not sure a second part is necessary. I think the best is to ignore them ;-)

lol...agreed! 😇😋🤙

Yeah, but some people really don't understand the platform 😅
( I don't understand it fully yet😶)

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