Curation Author Rewards Changed?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I find this interesting ... they changed the curation / author rewards to 50/50 from 75/25 now.

I posted the following post a few weeks back and that move didn't seem all too popular. However, if it leads to better curation I still believe 50/50 is a fair balance.


It was brought to my attention by @smooth that the 50/50 refers to the payout being split between STEEM/SP/SBD and not the author/curator rewards.

Although, my stance still stands I think a 50/50 change for curator/author rewards is more balanced and would foster better curating. Of course bots remain a contested issue.

My post about it is below

As I write this today I have been on Steemit close to two months. During those two months, I feel I have gained a decent understanding of the platform.

Over the course of the past week, I have found myself doing some critical thinking.

By now most of us are fully aware of the drastic spike increase in July of Steem price and the ever slow decline since then.

I want Steemit to succeed long term and I now believe part of the solution in ensuring Steemits future success is changing the curation and author reward system.

Originally when a post was created about this a few weeks ago by @calaber24p I vehemently disagreed with such a foolish idea. The post I am referring to can be found here.

After all the author was suggesting I as a writer take a 25% cut in pay. What kind of nonsense is that I was thinking. I won't lie to you all here, I love Steemit, but I also love to make money. Writing is part of my lively hood, so one could naturally see how I might disagree with such a seemingly greedy proposal.

After much thought, my own personal bias set aside, and some insightful comments from @smooth in the comments of that post I have now changed my mind more align with the 50/50 split proposal. I might even venture into something lower for author rewards if there are rewards for posts forever, which I will touch on shortly.

I mean if more people are voting and curating it could actually mean a bigger reward even with a 25% reduction to a 50/50 split.

50/50 Split - Curators Play As Much As A Role As Creators

Image Credit

Currently, the split is 75/25 in favor of the creator.

If both curator and creator have an equal role in the overall success of Steemit, it seems a 50/50 split should be ideal to satisfy both parties. As an author, you already have an added bonus of getting half paid out in Steem Dollars,where as a curator it goes straight into Steem Power.

As a writer, I realize the importance the curators have by giving me their upvote, thus why I am onboard with at least a 50/50 split and the success of Steemit.

Incentive for Curators to Vote At Anytime

I am not a curator, I upvote what I like and do not worry about payout timers etc.

But ....

What I have noticed is the majority of votes come within the first 30 minutes of a new post being posted. The post will still get some trickle votes up to the initial payout window but not many. (I wish I had some stats on this)

Past the initial payout votes on posts are nearly nonexistent. This is a huge problem in my opinion in the long term success of this platform. I feel we risk Steemit turning into a platform that will be spewing out regurgitated half-assed posts because posts currently hold very little long term value.

I suggest applying the 25% gained from a 50/50 split to incentivize voting outside the current "normal" voting patterns we currently see. Or change how it currently functions, it doesn't seem to function as well as it could.

Royalties - Getting Paid as a Curator and Creator forever

A Piece Of The Pie

I have yet to come up with a good reason why both creator and curator are not paid after the 30-day payout.

I don't suggest the same or similar payout as the initial first 2 payouts, but if long term success for Steemit is on the agenda you might want to seriously consider this @ned and @dan

I know Ned posted a few weeks ago about a list of celebrities to try and bring to the platform. In order for the kind of names to take Steemit seriously, they are going to want ongoing "royalties" or whatever term you wish to use for it to be worth their time.

Any creator should have this for their work they produce in my humble opinion if there is a gain on that work anyway. Otherwise, you may find it hard to retain high-quality content creators on the platform.

How this "cost" is built into the system I am not sure, as I don't know the inner workings and or any technical challenges, but having the ability for a person to find a gem 2 years from now that was overlooked or had no audience for prior to would show a great deal of promise and faith in the Steemit platform.

Otherwise what incentive does an author have to place their best work or their first work on Steemit when other avenues offer an ongoing source of return.

I do suggest all rewards past the 30 day payout go into Steem Power only though.

Wrapping it up

In order for any of these changes I mentioned above to have an actual impact Steemit first needs to address the issue of voting power first and foremost. However, there is plenty of discussion going on around about this topic so no need to touch on it here.

Please feel free to discuss, disagree, agree, and debate any of what I have said in the comments. I am sure there will be some who disagree with these changes and some who may agree. Or some who may agree with parts of it. I would love to hear others thoughts on this as together we should be working together to make this the place to be in the near future. We all have a stake in this!

Thanks for reading and your consideration for my thoughts.



50/50 there refers to 50% of the author reward being powered up (SP) and 50% paid out as liquid (STEEM and/or SBD).

The author/curation reward split has NOT been changed, since it was changed from the original 50/50 to 75/25 several months ago.

Ahhh that is confusing than, thank you for clarifying. I am going to delete most of this post than. Thanks smooth.

I would even go so far as suggesting 25% for autor and 75% for curators for accounts with rep score below 40. For rep 40-60 it could be split 50/50. For accounts with rep >60 the current 75/25 could be ok.

VERY good post. Need more posts like this and more attention to them.
I still prefer the 75% for writers as curating is just a click and writing good articles takes not only skill but hours to complete.
I can see how increasing curating can bring in investors as they can simply use their SP to just vote and make money but I dont see that as the value of the long term community, I see it in quality writers. So I stick with the 75%
As for long term royalties I TOTALLY agree and have been pushing that since week one of being on the platform. I feel this is CRITICAL to long term success.
There is no way any successful person is going to invest hours into an article or story to only make money on the first votes in 24 hour period.
There needs to be WAY more incentive to UPvote quality posts no matter how old and a payment plan for it.
I have been following you as I see you are quite smart, glad to read this post. Keep up the good work.
Best Regards~*~

Long term royalties in Steemit blockchain are not possible currently. Around 1 million steem are miners daily and distributed among all the post published in a day (24 hours) or so. In one year you will have to distribute the same quantity of steem among 365 times more post, so each new post will be receiving a lot less rewards as time passes. It tends asymptotically to zero rewards payment very fast...
If you keep the rewards of authors high in comparison with curators, IMHO the only possibility for steem is to decrease in value trending to zero. It is just the equivalent to long term royalties.
Do you prefer 75% rewards of 50 votes, or only 10% rewards of 1000 votes?

I think that 50%/50% is referring to the SBD/Steem reward split for the author.

Thanks for the interesting read - it's an interesting topic of discussion.

I thought 50/50 meant 50% STEEM/STEEM Power and 50% SBD, not 50% author and 50% curator. STEEM has drop 20% today, I am not sure what this means for Steemit. However, we are still in Beta and there is always going to be growing pains/change of direction. Regardless of what happens, Steemit is a groundbreaking concept in giving content creators the power to control their own destiny. I don't believe that Steemit will go the way of the Dodo.

Yup, you are correct.

I find the way they did the change to be confusing, especially for new comers. It confused me and I have been here for months.

I am no sure if the rewards has been changed as you mentioned in your post. .
I think that it is referred to the way the authors want to receive their payment. Only steem power; half steem power and half steem dollar; or simply decline payment. The option to decline payment is very useful in my opinion because help to avoid the hypocrisy in the situation, for example, where you are apologizing for plagiarism but the post is receiving a lot votes (money).
But, I am totally agree with your proposal of splitting at least 50% to curators.

50/50 would be bad. Curation is already screwed up and a game to be played according to an algorithm.

This is bad for value. 50/50 would incentive users more to not vote for what they like but for financial incentives only.

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