I Am A Steem Billionaire!

in #steemit6 years ago

So today when I accepted my Steem payout in my Steemit Wallet, I got a nice surprise! Clearly, I am favored by the Steemit Whales and Gods of Crypto! As you can see by this screen grab taken at 12:45pm CST, Steem has awarded me the status of Steem Billionaire!

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What I plan to do with the money:

  1. Buy a house! Hell, buy 12 houses! I'll have one on the beach and one in the mountains. And the other 10, I will hire a manager to be the landlord and rent them out. I will pay $120K a year to the right person to handle this amazing opportunity! Thanks Steemit! You've just helped me create an amazing job for someone!

Needs a lot of work. But, I've always loved the UFO house on Pensacola Beach. I know the owner too. I think I could talk her into selling it to me.

  1. Feed the hungry. Drives me nuts that there are people in this amazing country that go to bed hungry. On Veterans Day, I got a free meal at Twin Peaks. And another Vet came in and ended up leaving because he didn't have enough money to buy an Ice'd Tea. I tried to pay for him. But he left in shame. Bad enough we have kids starving in the USA, but seeing this Veteran not feeling right about taking a free meal from a restaurant on Veterans Day made me realize I want to do something about it. As a new billionaire, now I can!

These aren't the hungry I want to feed. But, I have to admit kayaking in alligator infested waters and toying with the idea of bringing one of those roaster chickens with me just to see how fast one of the big hogs would eat it. But, feeding wildlife is dumb enough. Feeding a 11' alligator is asking for a horrible watery and bloody death. No thanks!

  1. As an automotive sports enthusiast, I feel no shame in saying I would buy the following cars: Subaru WRX, Porsche Carerra 4 GTS, Ford Mustang GT 350, a Tesla of some sort, and I would beast out my Nissan Pathfinder with all the best mods. Also would build one of those huge steel buildings to house my transportation. Once again, Steemit.com has allowed me to create a job for someone!


  1. Veterans Film Company: One of the best experiences I've had has been working on a film set. There is a clockwork like precision to a professional shoot that is addictive. And the collective creative energy on set gives me a high like no other activity! And, as I have worked on a lot of independent films, I've noticed that Veterans are easier to work with and learn positions quicker than most people who are not Vets. So, I came up with the idea of creating veteransfilmcompany.com. The site isn't finished. But, I felt this would be a great way to build a crew for my film scripts and also teach Veterans the arcane art of filmmaking. From Production Assistant all the way up the ladder to Director of Photography, there are so many great jobs in film that I feel would benefit from military teamwork, a little funding will go a long way. And based on how much Hollywood has tried to force feed their agenda down the throats of Americans, a company with the motto, "MAMA, Make American Movies Again", should do well.

Dating hot geek babes when you are in charge of a hot geeky thing is par for the course! Hollywood executives who abused their positions to get their way with women will cry when they see how slick and cool I am with the ladies.

  1. a) Also, I feel the need to make an example for Hollywood executives by being a big shot filmmaker and getting attention from good looking women by NOT raping them. Simply being a filmmaker and being reasonably courteous and cool will be more than enough to fill my date calendar!

Wow! A film company made up entirely of military Veterans! Where do I sign up?

  1. Bring textile mills back to the USA! This summer I had to send two pairs of shorts back to a company I ordered them from online. As you'd expect, both pairs were made in China. They were supposed to be 38's and the company made me take pics of them compared to another pair of 38's that fit me. Crap customer service to make me prove they didn't fit! The pigs! What they sent me were more like 34's! Preposterous! And, it made me think that USA made clothing should be a thing again. My mother worked at Lee Jeans when I was in high school. How many mothers in the USA do not get that opportunity today? And well, Made in USA clothing is much better quality anyway. Ended up spending $80 on some Birdwell board shorts. They are triple stitched, super durable, and they fit! What a concept!

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Thank you Steemit! Buy making me a billionaire! You are helping me create 1000's of jobs right here in the USA!

Thank you Steemit.com for making me a billionaire. You couldn't have selected a more gracious and even-keeled dude to carry out commerce in the name of true freedom. May the Lords of Blockchain bless you down to your little cotton socks!

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Seems like responsible decisions!

Maybe a little out of control with the cars! LOL

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