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RE: What I Learned from Auto Votes Not Working

in #steemit6 years ago

Steem is what ever the people make it, isn't that the point of decentralisation? Of course I think people shouldn't just blindly upvote what ever, but for investor point of view, most don't have time/care to be carefully curating every day. And me being on the other end of it, the one receiving rewards, I am not gonna bash a system, that is beneficial to me. Yes, I am very selfish.


Steem is good people but also bad people.

So you like your content and being auto-voted, because of the money, despite knowing that no human saw your picture or read your text. I guess if that makes you happy and gives you some validation... then good for you...

Not going into it too much, but determining good and bad people, is not black and white. But there has always been, is and always will be both good and bad in the world.

I'm not sure if you read the whole post but this is a part of it:

The fact that a post doesn’t have much rewards, isn’t such a big deal, if there is an active comment section regardless. That is what for me, shows that there is value in what I do

But I'm also not saying that the money doesn't matter, of course it does, it's what makes me able to do what I do, and pay my bills while doing it. If you take a few minutes and check some of my posts, you'll find that I have a very active comment section, so it's not just blind upvotes but genuine interests in me, and what I talk about or show, not many people in here can say the same about their activity levels.

I have always felt uncomfortable about autovotes and it's impact on the quality of posts on the system and it's use for gaming the rewards by their timing . So i know where @heimindanger is coming from.

I also agree with you that it is the comments that show value. For me it is disheartening to get votes but no comments, this is a social media after all. I was thinking of setting aside a reward for the best comment on my posts and see if it improved engagement.

I think removing the ability autovote or use bitbots would do jack shit for the overall quality of the posts, or if it would, it would only be for the worse.

You don't need to make a big thing out of it, but you could try what I do, give little upvotes to most people that comment to you, if the comment is half decent.

I don't like the way Steem is becoming a network full of bots and vote selling. I know there are no rules against it and people can do as they wish but I signed up for Steem for the romantic notions that it was advertised as being. All I can do is stay true to what I think is good for it's continuing growth and try and ignore all the nonsense.
I already upvote most comments on my posts as I think engagement will be Steems saving grace and like to thank those who take the time to be organic users with a similar vision as my own. Ok, i'm down off my soapbox. Thanks Eve for your reply.

I'm not a huge fan of the vote bots either, never used one, and hardly ever upvote anyone who uses them. Automated votes from people that want to support a content creator they like and bought votes are two very different things, don't get the them mixed up.

I have you on my auto vote list, it's a pretty short list though, mostly friends and people I know make good quality posts. I set it up so they always get my vote, because I am a busy person who can't always manually vote for them. But I usually go back and read the posts, well after the auto vote, when I have time.

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