
The gods must be crazy.

And it's F!%king hilarious!


Spectacular post, commentary, and influence-peddling! Well two outta three, and all that...

I was most concerned about slipping in the last part about irony. ;-)

One of my FAVORITE movies.
part II...not so much.

Milk them to death, that's what screenwriters do.

Brilliant pull on this image and reference! Watching that movie was like seeing into the future.

What's scary is that Idiocracy becomes more like a documentary every day.

That does seem to be the general trajectory. I fight my own nialism and usually come out the victor...for now.

Hmm, Imma try to mix obscure references here... "I'm here to chew bubble gum and take out the garbage.. Holy shit! lookit all that garbage!"

Is the first part from They Live?

LOL yes, and if instead of being surrounded by aliens, he had been sent to the Idiocracy future..

But Roddy Piper was fresh out of bubble gum. ;-)

Maybe he could substitute Brawndo?

Everittdmickey muted me awhile back, so he may not know where the quotes came from and what is going on.

That's OK, I've un-followed, muted, un-muted and re-followed him and I've been resteeming some of your posts so there's a chance he's seen it.

I don't know if you see posts people resteem if those you mute are the resteemed post. It is no worry. I like the guy, we just disagreed on a discussion on one of my posts about prisons where I didn't actually disagree with him, simply what he was saying was not what my post was about. So he decided to mute me. Stubborn and simply mutes those that don't agree with him. That's okay, I am a little sad as I did enjoy talking to him, but it is more his loss than mine. He lives in a tunnel world and cannot see the things outside, due to his own choice. I have no hard feelings and I still see his comments and such. I simply know because it was my post you quoted he has me muted so he wouldn't understand the context or where you got it from.

due to his own choice.

You can open the door but you can't make people walk through it.

Porter Stansberry (Stansberry Research, the top financial newsletter businsess) often write: "Horse meet water".

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