Why is my image not showing in the thumbnail ? Explanations.

in #steemit7 years ago

Yesterday, before going to bed, I finished my article, content with it.
The next day, I connect to my account and I see this :

eternalsunshine — Steemit - Mozilla Firefox - Copie.jpg


What happened ?

My image is not showing, instead there is a gray rectangle. Did I forget something ?
I open my post, to see if it contains all the images I have uploaded, and, yes the pictures are there.

So what's wrong ?

Well it turned out that the thumbnail did not show because of its name.
Its name got parenthesis and it confused Steemit ...

Sans titre.jpg

Quick reminder : the markdown syntax to publish an image is as follows :

![comment on your image](https://link_to_your_image.jpg)

So, indeed, if there are parenthesis in the name, the markdown syntax is no more clear : what to take for name ? what to take for the link ?

![comment on your image(hehe really cool comment)](https://link_to_your_image(that_is_so_cool).jpg)

So the fix is just to avoid parenthesis (and I guess other special characters such as quotes, backslahes etc...).

However, once you have published your article, you cannot upload new images directly to your post (at least on Steemit).
So the whole steps to fix your thumbnail is :

  • Create a new post
  • On your computer (or mobile), rename your image before uploading : remove the fuc..'n parenthesis !
  • Re-upload your image as usual in your new post
  • You will get a new markdown link with a good name, i.e without parenthesis like this :

Create a post —d Steemit - Mozilla Firefox.jpg

  • Don't publish the new post ! It is just to host your image with a new name.
    Even if you don't publish your post, the image has been uploaded, so you can link to it now.
  • Copy the fixed path (the whole markdown path) of your new uploaded image
  • Edit the post that contains the wrong image name
  • Change the name of the old image with the new one
  • Submit your update
  • Refresh your blog

Et voilà! Now it should show your beautiful thumbnail! :D

eternalsunshine — Steemit - Mozilla Firefox.jpg


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