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RE: DELEGATING up to 1200 STEEM POWER to curators and solid bloggers

in #steemit6 years ago

Hola, a pesar que no hablo ingles, haré el mayor esfuerzo por darme a entender.
Llevo ya 4 meses en Steemit y desde el inicio le he puesto bastante esfuerzo a la plataforma. Me encantaría ganar la delegación que ofreces ya que me encuentro siempre en la búsqueda diaria de ayudar a los demás usuarios, sobre todo a los nuevos para que a pesar de los pronósticos de la baja de la moneda, no pierdan su motivación y continúen luchando por esta plataforma que realmente vale la pena. Mi trabajo actual es Steemit. Y así como yo hay muchos que dependen de ello para subsistir, mi ayuda seria con ellos, porque a pesar que no soy ningún trail de curación, pondré todo mi empeño al darle ese granito de arena a quien lo necesite. Muchos saludos. Espero ser merecedora de la delegación, por favor visite mi blog y note que me mantengo constantemente trabajando y aportándoles algo positivo a todos mis lectores. Saludos!


Im sorry @estefania3 but I only speak Polish and English :(

ps. thank you for resteeming my post

Hello, even though I don't speak English, I'll do my best to make myself understood.
I've been in Steemit for 4 months now and since the beginning I've put a lot of effort into the platform. I would love to win the delegation that you offer because I am always in the daily quest to help other users, especially new ones so that despite the forecasts of the decline of the currency, do not lose their motivation and continue fighting for this platform that is really worthwhile. My current job is Steemit. And just as there are many who depend on it to survive, my help would be with them, because even though I am not a healing trail, I will do my best to give that grain of sand to those who need it. Greetings. I hope to be worthy of the delegation, please visit my blog and notice that I keep constantly working and bringing something positive to all my readers. Greetings!

I hope my translation helped. hahaha

Dear @estefania3

I hope my translation helped. hahaha

It definetly helped a lot :)

Thank you for reaching out to me. Im trying to put those people who share similar interests (crypto/blockchain/ai) as a priority. But at the same time you put so much effort to write such a great comment that I cannot resist.

I will definetly delegate 40SP to you and hopefully it will help you achieve your goals here on Steemit. Just give me another day or two. I need to reply to number of comments first and then I will start delegating my own Steem power.

ps. do you speak Spanish in Zulia? Is that part of Venezuela?

Have a great day,

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