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RE: How long until I make an income on Steemit? (rough calculations)

in #steemit6 years ago

Hey, @drutter. I love your canna-work (just saw)! THANK YOU!

In light of the Good Work you do, why isn’t it appropriate to also pay yourself — first, and every time?

There’s a weird virtue on Steemit that infers self-upvoting is not cool. If the content is solid — and ESPECIALLY if it’s of service to others — I will absolutely pay myself if, as nothing else, a sign of respect for my own time and energy.

I’m all in for the canna-cause, too. And the abundance I’ve learned from her her has taught me I don’t need to be a Steem martyr.

I spend hours on research and creation. I try and create the most beautiful or engaging or uplifting content that I can. And it is a sign of health that I’d look to care for myself at least as well as I care for others.

I SEE THE CARE YOU LOAD INTO YOUR POSTS (have just seen 2 here, and 1 on YouTube). Please consider paying yourself! Every time you know you have given value, pay yourself.

Am I savage? What am I missing in thinking that “I don’t self-upvote” should only apply to posts a creator knows is crap (in which case shouldn’t be published to begin with!)

It seems to me a posture of “Look at me looking out for the community. I’m so humanitarian and philanthropic. Never mind that I am in need of money myself, and have just spent half a day preparing this post to the best of my ability. No. I won’t pat myself on the back with an upvote that I actually need. Here, you have it.”

Not seeing the wisdom in that.

But perhaps I have a blind-spot?

Finally, your number crunching is outstanding! I wish I had a fraction of that kind of analytical ability.


"why isn’t it appropriate to also pay yourself — first, and every time?"
Because if that's how Steemit was intended to work, it would have been programmed that way. It's an option because it's optional.
The onus is on you to prove your position (one should upvote every post one makes) is the correct one. I see nothing in your large post to advance that position.
Therefore I'll continue to treat self-upvoting as an option, and likely continue to utilize that option sparingly. I advocate others also do what they think is right. You are not savage.
But of course, all that is completely off-topic here. : )
Thanks for your compliment!

The onus is on you to prove your position (one should upvote every post one makes) is the correct one. I see nothing in your large post to advance that position.

(1) I said every post that adds value.

(2) My position actually comes from YOUR stated goal, @drutter, which is:

The goal is to make money. More specifically, I want to generate an income with my Steemit account, while advancing my causes, improving myself, helping others, and adding value to the blockchain. I want to be able to withdraw STEEM (to spend on improving the standard of living for myself and @MediKatie), while still growing my account.

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