Do you love cryptocoin? This movement bringing current back to money DiscloserFest for Cryptocoin community in LA California

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Do you love crypto-currencies? Living in Los Angeles California? Would you love to know about a movement giving insight into how currency can flow? Watch the video on the link above and go to the facebook page to find the details for possible amazing day for you.

Eclipse is marker for day of Moratorium on the current banking system, Steemit is example of how old bankster money can be overcome with economics of cryptocurrency based on Blockchain technology. So all the cryptophiles is LA take a moment to meet the EclipseNow movement known as"Economic Egalitarianisim" Steemit and overcome "Negative Economic Inductance" or fractional reserve banking, OK?

Click here to watch now!!!

Click here to watch now!!!

Join Dr David Jubb at DisclosureFest's The Mass Meditation Initiative for a workshop in the Divine Light Tent on Saturday June 17th from 3:00pm - 4:00pm to learn about "Cellular Rejuvenation and Whole Brain Function"

  • Learn how to read the body like a book
  • Learn to install new behavioral generators using therapeutic framework
  • Live longer having synchronization of brain hemispheres with whole brain functioning
  • Learn about I awareness how the gut supports good brain function
  • Learn how to do upstream cleaning via Jubb’s cell rejuvenation

And as a result have greater amplification of electricity in the body.

Dr. David Jubb is a forensic and medical intuit; a western trained neuro-behavior-physiologist and has completed twenty years of clinical research into how hemispheres of the brain participate in mood.

Dr. Jubb, is the foremost scientist forwarding information on: application of the full taxonomy of your sensory motor complex in behavior, colloidal biology, lifefood agrarianism and lifehouse sustainable community....learn more about these insights at Eclipse.Now in the path of hollow bones ok?

SATURDAY JUNE 17TH 2017 - Gates Open at 10am PDT


Today our currency is defiantly Hijacked (Check this post ECLIPSE The Currency׃ End the Fed, Reform in Banking )

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