in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Toss these DICKHEAD's a couple BIG ASS FLAGS -
Teach'em a lesson!


For the last few months this guy has been on my radar. My suspicions started small. Stuff just didn't add up. The wording of comments / posts. I watched The real Karl Taylors youtube videos. Got an idea about his cadence and vocabulary. Then I checked out more of the content here on steemit. It was as if it were two completely different people... because it was. I have reached out to this person and asked them to prove they were in-fact the real Karl Taylor and I have even flagged them and submitted the flag to @steemflagrewards. His response is below.

Screen Shot 2018-07-24 at 12.13.40 PM.png

Although my suspicions where there In the beginning I let it go. Then about a month ago things got serious..... Not really but kinda..... I got a notification that I had been mentioned in a post while on Busy.org when I checked it out it was actually some one stealing the written content from my DTUBE introduction video. When I looked at the account it was a somewhat "famous" youtuber..... Hmmmmm thats odd.


All the right links for facebook / youtube and twitter on the steemit page / at the bottom of posts..... Why would this guy steal some shitty text from one of my posts. So I tossed a flag on it and called them out in the comments. When I looked at the wallet of that account....... Guess who I saw getting SBD and STEEM transfers..... KARL TAYLOR...... Another famous Youtuber/ photographer...... Who I'm already suspicious of...... Who follows me on steemit........ Ya don't say?!?!?!? - After doing some more wallet digging and posts scavenging I noticed a ring of accounts all supporting @karltaylor.

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Here's me taking to the photographer on twitter - I was using voice to text on my phone and it missed the word "Rewards"

Karl Taylor - or a member of his team have confirmed that they are not operating a page on steemit / dtube channel and would like help taking back control of their content. I'm now calling on whales / investors - Anyone with more Steempower than me & users who care about keeping content honest and original...... If you value the platform you have worked hard to build - flag this douche bag / the associated accounts into oblivion..... or near to it.

Accounts involved

@suraj0651 - ring leader?

If you appear in this list and are not involved please state your case below. The truth is I probably wont believe you.


Good work... detective!

Thanks man. I wonder what response whoever is in control is going to come up with.

Me Tarzan... that was unexpected!

I knew his response was going to be good - But that was next level.

Thank you for this fine bit of sleuthing.

One does sometimes wonder how Steemit could react if the real Karl Taylor got a court order to remove the fake one from Steemit. Ignore or hardfork, are there any other options?

No problem at all - just trying to keep things as honest as they can be around here. Yeah I was apprehensive about bringing this to him at first because I didn't know what negative affects it could have for us - forgive my ignorance - when you say Hardfork - how would that apply - like there would be a new version void of the offending content?

It could well be the only way to remove a user(name) and the associated content without deleting all existing nodes and copies of the whole blockchain.

I never put much thought into what goes on behind the scenes. Been doing lots of reading today about the mechanics of the system. regardless of how this stuff is handled now - we need a more efficient way of fixing things.

good work, detective.

IMO there needs to be a far more efficient process of guillotining these scammers than relying on whales to 'be nice' and 'helpful'.

Thanks bro. totally agree there needs to be adjustments.

Good looking out!!! People are just plain nuts thinking they won’t get caught doing crap like this!!

Thanks dude! I know right. This is where my love for researching comes in handy. Literally screamed out " got'em" when the final piece of the puzzle fell into place.

It's really interesting. You've done some digging and received avoidance and opposition as a reaction - 😨. It just confirms suspicions. Digging into professional associations, universities, conference managers, publishers and so on and then conducting a video call interview cleared up suspicions in a case we recently had. Eventually, with famous personalities, some verificationon the steemit blog 'about me' section, is useful. Many writers and others don't like nor do they use Facebook anymore (and that verificaton can be faked anyway). Twitter is good, but hard to get done. We rested with AirBnB - it requires credit card, email, phone number, identity, and selfie to match the gvernment ID. If the person then goes on to actually use the AirBnB identity, gradually a fec-to-face reputation is built up each time his identity is checked when he books into a BnB.

I'm actually finding more connected accounts. I'll update the list soon. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts / experiences.

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