in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Daily Steem report about all useful numbers and trends .

Täglicher Steem Report über alle wissenswerten Zahlen und Trends. 


Schöne wäre noch die Zahl der Posts mit dem Tag "deutsch", dann könnte man das Wachstum der Gemeinde über die Zeit bestaunen.

is ja international nicht nur deutsch, aber ich werde mal darueber nachdenken....

Once again thanks for the stats, I know its extra work but a weekly and monthly trend for would be great.

What you have in mind? with a chart?

I think a chart would show the trend best...I hope its all upwards

What would be even cooler is a 24hr, post , comment and reward wheel to show the peaks and troughs of this 24hr a day phenomenon called Steemit.

Understand your idea, but thats another story.... nothing to do with my graph, but i like the idea i know what you mean....

You are already getting better and that is only the second Steem Report... :)

Maybe you should consider automating it and have a website generate it at some later point in time.

Thanks, i am glad you like it. If you have any suggestions let me know. Yeah automatic would be nice, but so far its all done by myself.

Thanks, its my second report, i will do it every day from now on. If you have any wishes or suggestions please let me know.

Interesting. Thanks for the post!

I am glad you like it

Thanks for the chart.

You are welcome. If you have any suggestions or wishes let me know, i like to make it better all the time.

41% Accounts sind inaktive !!?

Ja so rum kann man es auch sehen, Wochenende halt, unter der Woche sind es mehr aktive, aber viele haben sich halt mal angemeldet und machen aber dann nichts.... leider....

Glueckwunsch zu deinem Schwarzwald Report, hat mir als alter Schwabe sehr gut gefallen, leider kam mein Rechner schwer ins stocken aufgrund der Bilder in HD, das dauerte ewig.....
Bernie Sanders hats wohl auch gefallen, mach weiter so.

Bernie Sanders der US-amerikanischer Politiker?

Nein, ein Wal nennt sich Bernie Sanders er ist einer der ganz grossen....

wow das wusste ich gar nicht

Wie findest den Report eigentlich, wuerdest das so lassen oder fehlt noch was?

Wow, with 41% inactive accounts - what's a platform to do?
I would ask what is the time frame that the accounts have been inactive.
Then I would wonder if Steemit had a way to recoup STEEM or SBD after a certain amount of time (a year, maybe) to replenish the supply for those of us who are active and working hard to gain reputation and earnings. Just a thought. Thank you for the report!

Because it is a daily Report, the number of active accounts is for the last 24 hours, during the week its a bit better...
Guess a lot of people start to open a second account and dont use them..... It doesnt look good for the stats.
I will post this Report everyday with new data, follow me to enjoy the daily report. Thanks

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