
Appreciate your reports. Thank you!

The price on Steem seems to getting a bit lower. If it reaches $1.00, it's definitely as steal at that price.

Hi @elyaque, can you help to clear this up for me, Why most exchange has disable steem for trading?

Sorry man, I have no idea why , hope for everyone they fix it soon...

Ok man, i guess this has a negative effect on a steem price

Damn, that price drop is huge. Let's see if it goes any lower. Would be a shame though!

Wait, we did 870,000 transactions last 24 hours? Wow. Using for the proportion of operations, that implies we did 31,000 transfers and a crazy 42,000 Steem Power Delegations (why the heck is that number so high?)...

Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-11 um 08.44.13.png

Screenshot right now from

That is a new record for certain. Based on how fast they've been growing, we may have more transfers alone than Bitcoin has transactions by the end of the year.

These reports are always highly appreciated. Thank you for the work you do.

Stabille price is better for everybody as high.

Yep , I'm looking to get some more on the dip too as some have stated in the comments. Doesn't hurt to have a buying opportunity. Lot's of new accounts! Nice!

Steem price falling :(

don't worry it's time to buy

Thanks for reports :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62837.64
ETH 2542.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65