Building your Steemdom series 3: Dotting the I's and crosging the T's

in #steemit7 years ago


This will be the final part in this series because I believe the best way to help a man is not by giving him Fish daily, but rather, teaching him to fish by himself and this series has actually achieved that.
My main aim was to create the spark in our heads and I believe that aim will be totally satisfied with this third and final episode.


Communication vs messaging

I do tell people that most users on this platform especially the whales, love a mentally stimulating conversation. What that means is that they do not want to see you simply asking irrelevant or personal stuffs, begging for money or begging for upvotes without saying hy and without having a deserving blog.

The know how to message people is something common to all but the difference lies in your ability to communicate. Sadly, my communication skills have been greatly hampered due to the fact that I have a lot of responsibilities to execute and I must execute them as my primary function and I have found myself sometimes messaging rather than communicating.

One of the few things I teach people is that everyone wants to be seen and heard, so many people are living a fake life trying to impress, trying to show that it has to be deserving of the attention you also crave, what sets you apart? If you dine with the devil use a long spoon, but must you dine with the devil in the first place?
What that means is you don't have to tell lies to get what you want, be yourself ans communicate properly and in time, everything will sort itself out.

One simple secret we also forget is that you could message a million whales without any useful headway, but if you can successfully communicate effectively even with one, it might turn out to be better than a million unread messages.
I am not simply writing a message to the person reading this, I am communicating across.

Another aspect of messaging vs communication is when it comes to post engagement. Now you see a wonderful post out there, you like the topic and so you read. One thing stands out at the end of such post, the amount of money generated by some comments under such posts.
I know some people start to wonder how they did it, how can they replicate such success, the answer is simple, you don't simply message or comment, you communicate and hope or get visibility.

That is why spam and the likes especially those written as writing irrelevant comments under a post, copying and pasting of a previous comment or an irrelevant long comment trying to sound intelligent while making an ass of themselves etc.

Speaking of communication, do you know that first impression matters a lot? You don't go and troll someone and spam the person or even bad mouth the person and expect the person to readily assist you in growing on the platform with a warm embrace. Actions have consequences and when you decide to troll or spam someone as a newbie, please prepared to be ignored.

Charity begins at home, you cannot be nice to other s outside your community and be rude and problematic to those in your immediate sub community. The idea behind communication is that it influences all in a good way and not the other way around.

Trust me, you do not want to be the man who destroys his community and builds another man's community because at the end of the day, when the die is cast, you will run back to the community you destroyed.
There is this popular saying I know that goes thus..

If you are an unknown entity outside, you have to work your way up, but if you are unknown within, then you are finished.

One writer who has the ability to communicate, be everywhere and make meaningful utterances is @greenrun. Without following a large number of people, he is still able to effectively reach a large audience by simply using the #nigeria tag in the feed option. That is a testament to the fact that your impact is not determined by your following, it is determined by you...a drive to communicate.

Trust me when I say you have to be yourself on the platform because you will meet people who sole purpose when you converse with them is to try and see if you are who you say you are.
A lie is more expensive than the truth and telling lies about yourself will only put a hindrance on true communication as you have to keep up with a charade.


Communication does not only happen in chat rooms, it starts from building a blog worthy of engagement. Remember that whatever path you choose or whatever you opt to do to promote yourself on the platform, you have to be willing to love it and stick with it because that is a form of communication.

I am not trying to sound like a motivational speaker, I am being a realist who is sharing some tips as to how to grow on steemit. One last but important thing, you are going to need a lot of patience when you are on this platform, this is because you might not get the payouts you desire (if you initially get any) instantly.
Truth be told I have had plenty of $0.01 payouts in times past but continuous persistence has seen me through up till this point.

To get to the top, you have to begin and be willing to rise and if possible start from scratch. Here is not a get rich quick scheme site, it is a place where you have to work your way to the top. If you want to get to the top, you have to earn your way there.

You can follow me on twitter by clicking the icon

Thanks to @camzy/ @samstickkz and @elyaque for the animated art and badge
Support @curie, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, @xeldal, @steemgigs for witness

You can help me boost my curation activities by following my curation trail on ( @ehiboss)

Images from pixabay

animated christmas.jpg
lion badge.png


Slowly but surly I really notice you and your “inside” and I like what I read in your valuable articles. be yourself! Indeed!

If you are an unknown entity outside, you have to work your way up, but if you are unknown within, then you are finished.

Thank you...You are amazing

Reading this post reaffirms to me that you are good ,really good. Your journey here on steemit has molded you to become better and it can only get better. Kudos bro @ehiboss

Wow, that is so awesome of you to mention me. I have seen a case where someone copied another person's comment as used it as his!. It was crazy but people do that. I think people are in such a hurry that they do not read post anymore.

I have seen a case where someone copied another person's comment as used it as his!.

I was shocked when I witnessed it too

Lazy dudes :)

Sorry I'm late, but @greenrun is amazing! I just joined and we didn't even know each other prior, but he's been my sort of unspoken steemit guide. Keep being awesome bro.

Great article btw.

I completely agree with what you are saying. My best moments on Steemit so far are when I have actually had real conversations with people in either my posts or their posts, simply discussing the topic at hand.

They have since become my best and most active followers, and I have become avid readers of their material. Good advice @ehiboss. I like your writing style.

The best moments are sometimes spent with others

You punch hard, but you mean well... The advice you give is matter of fact, not buttered up to please anyone, but bluntly blurted out to get the message home.
Thanks for being a guide and a steemit mentor... One to look up to and emulate in terms of steemit success.
I will gladly resteem your post anytime i see 'em. Cheers!

Your post has been resteemed to my 2500 followers

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Thank you for this. Good to see you are doing fine.

I'd admit this is an eye-opening post. Persistence and hard work is key to every success. Steemit is not an exception!

Thanks for stopping by

Very insightful ♡ Thanks for the good read :)

Thank you.

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