The steemit police. The discouragement within steemit and how we can change it. The word fuck is a work of beauty.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

My thoughts on many feeling discouraged with steemit and how people are trying to police it.

An all out war on what is offensive?

I only noticed earlier that my steemit dedicated time has been decreasing and not even intentionally. Am i subconsciously feeling disillusioned?I have felt that many are trying to police steemit and shut down those who use profanity for example. Attack those that use passion and aggression in their words for example. When we talk about the injustice in this world many of us are unable not to use profanity.

Are we in danger of becoming the very ideals we hate? We are so sure of our own opinions we forget that others have completely different views of how to be as a human. Different values. I was thinking about offense for example. What is offense? Can i give you offense? no. It is taken and never given. So it made me think, when i or anyone else is offended who i am to then cry for that thing to be censored? especially when i find many things other people would deem very offensive not offensive?

People have left because many subjects have been attacked i seen an example myself on a story of drug and alcohol abuse where ironically enough all he received for the most part was abuse... Mainly in the form of "its your own fault" or someone moaning because of the swearing and saying it should be in NSFW.... Get a grip. Reality is aggressive and not very nice for many. When that is put into words sometimes it requires a word like fuck or cunt. Yes a situation can be that bad for many of us. I am not sorry that offends you.

I feel when it comes to profanity or aggression many of you may not agree with you are to quick to downvote or talk trash dis-encouraging many who come here to share uncensored unrestricted views. If they are preaching violence or something similar then the community can be the judge but don't take your own ideals and give an impression that many on steemit are like that. We should allow people from every walk of life. Even i hate to say this but even trump supporters are allowed to express their views here without us at least for the most part going on an all out aggressive rampage directly on their posts. Make a post about why they are wrong. You will prove your point when yours is more successful!

If you moderate on that does not make you in anyone the steemit police. Please stop. If someone ones to say bad words here then they can. NSFW is for nudity and other material. Do not bury important and meaningful posts because someone writing it in the heat of passion when writing it was saying exactly what he/she was thinking and feeling.

We have murder novels but you downvote over the word fuck?

What are your thoughts? Maybe i am just interpreting this wrong?

This is uncensored and decentralized just how i like it. Please help promote that image!!

Many people here didn't come here to be policed and censored.

Thank you for reading - Josh


I don't fucking like censorship. I came on here because I was sick of cunts comlpaining and I would like them to go BACK to facefuck and fuck themselves sideways. Don't let these twats get you down. Let's identify them and chase the fuckers off of our fucking platform. FUCK!! Great post buddy! 😋

same as me, some cunts don't understand that life is fucking garbage for many of us and the cunts on facebook can't handle the raw emotion behind what the fuck we sat :D thanks man!

not just censoring offense, but facts. i was flagged by a self-avowed communist for explaining free markets. can i get unflagged? flagging may not be total censorship but isn't it more offensive than stating demonstrable facts?

you are a good example of what im talking about. They can remove the downvote but thats all.

You bring up an interesting question. Censorship is all about who does it and why, I think. If I was a founder here, I would censor only initially, to set the tone of this platform. I would flag vulgarity, porno, meanness and trolls. It is easy for a site to be ruined in the beginning by malevolent and jealous adversaries, especially a site that is free to join. After Steemit is established as a quality posting venue, I hope the need for any censorship to drop. At the very best here, we have the opportunity to earn from the value we contribute, and some damn corporation is not making $ off us. So I am happy with temporary censorship as a way to set the quality of this platform.

obviously anything like child abuse or extremism is just not acceptable but that goes without saying. What doesn't go without saying is things like drugs or political views ect. Thanks for commenting bro :)

My Thoughts
I AM New here
So, I hope That Steemin Can Provide Valueable Contenet For Me To Upvote
I Do Not Like The Porn Cartoons
I Am Not Used To The Foul Language, I Had To Tolerate it in The Workplace
This Is Why Facebook is so strict
The Place Is Attracting Trashy Spammers
I Am Only here To Provide Content That is valueable to The Teenagers and The Seniors As Well
Lets Fight The Forces of Evil And Steemon
Eventually the trash will leave/go

Согласен, иногда хочется выругаться ))

I tend to agree with this post. To me NSFW is more for graphical things versus using vulgur/curse words. While personally I try not to include them (much) in what I post, I can't hold others to what I do. Often, especially in the podcast, I let things like the f-bomb drop usually because of my passion on a topic and/or to add that extra emphasis.

I will make the distinction between a few 'curse' words being used versus being bombarded constantly. (Which I've mainly seen your posts in the former.)

I understand the need to draw a line, especially with images due to someone looking over a shoulder 'at work,' but I don't feel this same things applies to a single or few written words. These don't have the same 'over the shoulder' impact in my opinion.

To some degree I see this caused by the 'pampering' we are accustomed to on the majority of main stream sites. While I understand that nsfw/porn is subjectively defined, I do feel that some people need slightly thicker skins to be on a platform that works to minimize/remove censorship.

Just my 2 cents.

Some people have it as part of their identity. Can you imagine Samuel L Jackson not swearing because it caused offense? I also don't think anyone ever got fired from an adult job for a Samuel L Jackson quote ect. If people stopped thinking of these words as so offensive they stop being offensive. I no longer find these words anything more than that. Words. Mainly because i found them shocking as a child. As an adult they are just words to describe things normal words usually can't. Like Fuck off. Fuck off is universal. It doesn't mean go away, it doesn't mean shh. It means fuck off. People understand it world wide. Its universal. Every language has their own as well. Kinda beautiful really.

Haha! I can't imagine Samuel L Jackson saying "I'm a bad rear-end window licker!"

I think the big distinction with curse words is between using them to further enhance ones communication versus using them to direct something (usually negative) as an attack. (What I've seen of yours tend to be on the enhancing communication/meaning.)

I think some people are just quick to take offense, in my opinion.

Bravo! Well said. I haven't encountered the policing you've mentioned but imagine it's plenty obvious were I to look for it. Every one of my posts asks for feedback. If someone were to say "I don't like that you chose this word," I'd most likely have to ignore that because it would most likely be irrelevant to the soundness of my reasoning or the well-roundedness of my argument. Someone recently did give me some feedback about formatting and I was deeply grateful. At the end of the day, nobody should care if a reader is offended by something superficial about their work. It's only helpful when the author didn't notice.

Actually many users are scared to be downvoted, so they tend to write something that should please the readers and with not so much criticism or real debate on specific topics which may disturb the average person.

Sometimes censorship can be implicit and subtle: fear of disapproval does the rest.

I think only poor quality posts deserve downvoting (currently I never downvoted anyone) not posts we don't agree with.

Thank you for sharing!

i am not one of those people ;) haha i wrote a profanity laced post for that very reason. Censorship of profanity and aggression is nonsense here. Obviously there is a line which we do not cross but that line is miles away from profanity and aggression!

Thank you for commenting!

I joined this site for its uncensored attribute and peer governance that is suppose to kick-in when necessary to control what the masses deem to be unacceptable behavior.
Swearing is generally acceptable behavior, abuse is not.
You've raised some good points.
I certainly didn't come here to be fucking policed or censored.

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