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RE: The distribution-monetary rewards tradeoff and a proposal to accelerate the disruption of incumbent social networks

in #steemit8 years ago

This is better for growth but worse for long-term ecosystem health imo. People should be valued based on what they do on Steem and how effective it is just on Steem. Such influencers can already get outsized rewards by onboarding people, people who will then vote for them, etc. I feel like the incentives are already there and don't need to be further juiced in this direction.


"People should be valued based on what they do on Steem and how effective it is just on Steem."

This seems to me like a philosophical belief rather than a practical one. Steem is not it's own planet and the reality is that lots of external forces are going to need to change for Steem to really sustain itself long-term. This distrubtion-monetary rewards tradeoff could be the one that prevents Steem from growing past the crypto-loving early adopters. Maybe my proposal isn't the best approach, but the platform needs to find ways to address this imo.

It's the philosophy of pragmatism. :)

I really just think this design would effectively be an exploit that would consolidate value and rewards to a select few, which already happens on Steem for other reasons. And I am personally more interested in Steem being its own thing and seeing where the incentives evolve us.

Also in general, the bigger and more inclusive Steem, the better imo, so I'd rather everyone have a stake and see rewards.

The idea wouldn't be to take away rewards from people that don't have big followings elsewhere and I don't think that would happen --there'd still be plenty of opportunities for good content creators who don't have followings elsewhere to rise to the top. The tradeoff for those people is different though; less distribution elsewhere means a lower break-even point to use Steemit (and lower rewards necessary to keep them as a result).

The idea is just to incentivize different types of users differently -- I think Steemit has done a great job so far aligning incentives but always room for improvement (if goal is to make this thing as big as possible).

I strongly agree with @eeks
because we have to appreciate the traffic based on other people.

I had the same thought about the idea of "steemit buttons" that could implemented outside of Steemit on websites to give Steem to the creators. That would bring no benefit to the Steemit platform. The quality content should come to Steemit.

I agree with @eeks here.

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