a STATEMENT that got me THINKING - What ARE the FACTS? QUESTIONS to Steemit INC

in #steemit7 years ago

This post is directed to the people at Steemit INC and anybody else interested in the topic of getting a Steemit account.

This morning I took the time to watch a video recording of a Steemit INC meeting organised in Austin Texas and hosted by @ned @sneak and @pkattera. In this video they are talking about Steemit INC and some of the key projects they are working on (post and video here).

One of the first statements made in this video was to check the recent @steemitblog post. After viewing the Austin recording, I immediately read the post @ned was referring to (this post here).

Both sessions talk about the signup process, and both sessions talk about the streamlining of the signup process being one of the top priorities of Steemit INC.

The signup process at Steemit INC, still involves manual activities as @pkattera explained in the Austin Texas recording. The reason given:


Looking at some of the facts (read the rest of the post), I'm wondering why we hear and read already for a long time the signup process being top priority, but Steemit INC still has difficulties to execute the signup process in a short time, while the reason given for the manual part in the signup process is easily circumvented by using other services to create an account.

On top of that, the net effect is we seeing more and more bot accounts being created anyway.


Steem/Steemit accounts does not have to be setup by Steemit INC.

  1. Any individual with a Steemit account can setup a new Steemit account.
  2. Other services/channels - out of control of Steemit INC - are available to setup an account.

Services such as Vessel, AnonSteem, Steemconnect can be used by any Steemian to create new accounts. No manual process is included with these services, and - as far as I know - no checks are done to determine the purpose of the new account, ie to serve a bot, or to serve as yet another account of some Steemian.

Regardless Steemit INC signup process involves determining the purpose of an new requested account, and to try and prevent bot accounts being created; The more we progress in time, the more bots are getting connected to the Steem blockchain, from comment bots to vote bots to post bots.


What is the general view of Steemit INC on bots and bot accounts?

What measures does Steemit INC take to prevent bot accounts being created by other services and channels offering the ability to setup an account?

What measures does Steemit INC take to prevent the Steem blockchain to become dominated by bots?

I'm Desperately Looking for Answers! YOU?


Well, you have to remember that, money is needed for a new account creation. When you apply for an account through Steemit Inc, they lend you SP (basically they pay for the account creation). Imagine that somebody creates tones of bots through an automated sign up of Steemit Inc, the owner of such a bot net would have a tone lot of SP without investing anything.

I understand what you trying to say, but a ton of bots can also be created with a manual step by the STINC team. It may take a little longer for all the accounts to be validated, but manual process or not, STINC will not be able to identify if an account is requested for by a bot, and/or is meant to be used for a bot. Or am I missing something?

How to recognize-what is the purpose of creating a new account? Is he a bot or not? Until he reveals himself, we will not be able to understand it. I also drew attention to the fact that these services are quite easy to create a new profile. I don't think they're being tested either. Someone opens a second account for themselves with good intentions (filter your contest, expand their activities in another separate direction) , but not all do it with pure thoughts. You put a good question here, and I'd like to get an answer, too. Thank You!

Thanks for your support! In the signup process I noticed they ask 4 questions when connecting with the team helping to signup account (@ Steemit.chat in HELP channel), including the question if it is a second account. Last summer when answering that question with YES, the user would not get an account. When answering that question with NO, the user would get an account. I don't remember the other 3 questions: I think one of them was account name. The two other ones, had to do with what email address and how long ago the account was requested for.

When I signed up my account a year ago (well in December 2016), I didn't get any question, I simply got my account. I have no idea how Steemit INC or anybody else can determine the use of an account, other than asking the questions like they do when contacted the people at HELP in Steemit.chat and believing the answers from those they ask the questions to.

Also, I learned the Steem blockchain doesn't have any facility to block an account. That essentially means any account used for whatever purpose can live as long as that account likes to live. Ok, yeh, we have the flag to push down the reputation of an account and Steemit user interface doesn't make flagged accounts visible, ie hides it but can still be viewed after 1 or 2 extra clicks. So, the flag can be used to push an account to kinda invisibility at the Steemit UI (not at other UIs who doesn't take into account flags and negative reputations to decide what to show and what bot); BUT the flag obly works when the account creates posts and comments! When the account holder doesn't create posts and comments, no flag can be casted. We should have the ability to flag an account! But we don't.

Anyway, back to the manual process in signing up and the excuse to prevent bots. As you rightly say, also I have no idea HOW Steemit INC can determine an account to be used by a bot, and HOW they can manage a created account to not be used by a bot.

a very interesting post.

Sorry, I'm not able to read your language.

bots are only part of the problem, there are cops and paid disinfo agents on here. I now believe the entire 'anarchulpulco' is a giant honeypot trying to lure elements of the darknet and other revolutionary elements ie anon, anarchists, out into the open where they can be surveilled, forever. Beware on steemit. Details of my investigations on my blog.

That is a whole different topic and not addressing the point I'm making in my post.

I at least say 'bots are only part of the problem'

I am aware that bots are really annoying, I keep getting these upvotes and comments from week old accounts with no other activity, or little other activity, and it feels like harassment when they have like, 5 comments about sports, account opened in feb 2017, and then they come to my post that goes into detail on a child abuse investigation or some other investigation of fake accounts on steemit. I suspect it is law enforcement finding ways to keep track of accounts they are interested in.

But if I look at the 'new' filter, I can't even take it. It makes me feel like there is no way steem can work if there is this much signal to noise ratio, so I want to be supportive of your post and your intentions with it, and not derail it. Sorry if it seemed like that is what I was trying to do. But even if we knew everyone was human, and even if we got rid of bot activity, we would still have the problem of sybil attacks, where 5 dedicated police/soldiers on a base could impersonate 500 people.

fwiw I have the same problem playing dota 2 on the other steam, if someone with a low matchmaking rating sits down at the computer of someone with a high matchmaking rating, you are going to have an hour long game that is a waste of time.

I personally think that the only way around this is what they do at the bank, when you are at the computer your ID card is in a device connected to the computer and if anyone else is ever caught using your ID card, you get fired and the entire card is invalidated. Other ideas are fingerprints and retina scans, but I would prefer a card I can put into a usb reader.

But if all it takes is a phone number, cops and psy-op soldiers have lots of those.

I hear what you say. And also I would like to see a human dominated network, with bots that helps the community like cheetah does, or some welcome message bot to inform the newbies, or something else that adds real value to a human based community. I actually think Steem and Steemit is too far down its path to get rid of the bots not supporting a human dominated community. I guess we simply have to wait for the competition to come alive and check them out if it is worthwhile for humans to be part of their social network.

Wrt police and other law enforcement branches creating accounts at Steemit, well, they may have. I have no idea. I've seen many different accounts acting 'strange', already a year ago when I just started. Are they law enforcement? Maybe. But could also be something totally different.

My original post: I simply do not understand the reason given by Steemit INC for their manual step in the process of accepting a new account. I don't think the reason given can ever be concluded in the signup process. Steemit INC must have other reasons for the manual step in the signup process. I would love to read some feedback from someone who is close to or works at Steemit INC. Lets see what will happen coming hours.

keep asking the steem inc accounts questions you might get an answer.

i got a response from @stan, it was dismissive but it was a response. steemit inc, i wrote about this in my blog titled 'down the steemit inc rabbit hole' (in matrix memes even), if google is used for search and aws for front end routing and image hosting, those are both integrated with the police state and even the cia.

so a lot of good it does us to have a blockchain if it's just in the police station.

I know for certain @kennyskitchen is undercover police because he reported on an event I went to as if there were no undercover police there, and I know for certain there were, after extensive investigation and risk to myself. I write about it in my earlier posts from last fall. then he introduces a new user 'erika' and i saw her at the same event under a circumstance she could have only been a cop. that's how i know anarchulpulco is a trap. 'the conscious resistance' is probably cops too, but it could be one of those russian psy ops, hard to say but he is not an anarchist. all intereractions with these people have been bizarre, they refuse to answer basic questions about the nature of their organizations.

so i investigate and simply publicize all my interactions with them, and they flag and personally attack me, never answering my basic questions, ie why are anarchists using facebork tracking on all their websites? why do they extensively film people at protests? why if they are anarchists do they have a leader? etc. I am convinced beyond any doubt, so beware.

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