After HF 19
After HF 19
Can anyone here me out there? We have landed safely on the moon We are ready to explore And build from here It is a beautiful place With endless possibilities I think we are going to enjoy our stay here @edgarstudio out.
Indeed it is beautiful here. Hard fork 19 was so wonderful and i believe verysoon people expecially newbies wouldn"t be able to vote because of vite depletion. I think the hardfork actually came for me as the reward curve trippled evrrything of mine. Im feeling so thankful.
This is ridiculous!!! I'm screaming like a little girl!
I even made $80 on 1 comment recently!
Mama Mia!
Hello @mirage..i still dont know what hf-19 is?can you please explain to me the hf 19?thanks my friend
It's an update which steemit did on this Tuesday and increased the vote power 4x times basically and fixed several bugs
So thats why the upvotes goes up?when is is happening again?the hf19? Or is it permanent now?
Awesome. These are amazing times indeed!
Haha this was me the morning I checked steemit after the HF. Saw payouts triple and my jaw dropped that I got stuck on my laptop. Made me go into work late because the fork had made such an insane change to steem.
Haha Same Here! This is only the beginning my friend!