EcoKnowme Water Writing Challenge!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemian!  I have a challenge for you to give as a gift to the world!  I want to invite people to write about water!  Specifically, how we can improve our relationship to it.  As we all know or have noticed, this planet needs some help taking care of the water we have and depend on.  We share this water, whether we realize it or not and we have PLENTY of information out there to better inform ourselves about how to do things BETTER.

So here it is my challenge to you!  Write a brief article about something you learned about how to better water.  It could be about purification though technology, biology or redefining our spiritual or physical understanding of water.  Doesn't matter, water day is everyday so let's pretend that day is today.

You can post wherever you like, tag me if you like, and encourage others to take up the call as well, I am just curious to see what is out there and what this community can come up with in a few days of study, thought and careful writing.

Feel free to add links, videos, personal projects you've done or are working on or just something cool you heard about.

Entries should be posted between now and until the blockchain is either taken over by bots or washed away to the sea.

Take your time, have fun, and think about how your post could help other people better understand, appreciate or make use of  Water.   

ok 1... 2... 3...




And apologies for not having a money incentive to reward you for the challenge.  Hopefully they stand on their own and the act of researching and sharing with the world will suffice.  I can upvote, resteem and all that though.


Water = Life... What a great challenge!

Thanks @agbaba maybe you or someone you know want to give it a try!

ooh thats easy!
Just hold the water in a glass
Feel gratitude and love
Then it will magically turn into ordered beautiful alive water
Then drink!


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