The Greatest Story Ever Told.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Where are you from?

Would you say it would be a far cry for me to say that I am related to you?
Lets take a stroll through the history of the human race. A history that we all inherit at birth and carry with us until we die, DNA. * DNA may also be around for a long time after you die. *


DNA Genesis

So this has been on my mind lately. It's a documentary that I found very informational, entertaining, and also educational. I believe that people should have access to it for educational purposes. Just like the code that is letting you read this, DNA is code too. Its role in humanity is almost as large as life itself. DNA is the simplest and most efficient way for organisms to pass down information from one generation to the other. This too shall be written on history, one that can branch humans in a whole different direction. The Internet. So its here on the block-chain to remain in the history of the Internet and how it is re-writing and transforming what it means to be connected and how we may be evolving our old ways of exchanging stuff, thus a market.



Migration often times means survival.

Migration is the greatest tool of survival. It has been observed everywhere in nature with many different species migrating throughout the year to mate, eat, and just survive. We aren't that much different from all the other creatures roaming this earth.
It won't be until something really drastic happens in the world, whether its human made or nature made, that some billionaires in their high rises will realize the responsibility that automatically comes to you when you have the ability to potentially feed and influence thousands of people. Remember when the world gets rough something that desirable now may not be prime real estate in the future. Migration works both ways.
Migration is beautiful and we are all connected because of it.


Steem ON!! (:

inspired and partially created by: @luzcypher


Thank you


I can edit or make you a new logo if you like.

Yes that would be great!! Thank you!!

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