- Shall We Do What Needs to Be Done? Or Not ...?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago


Steemit Inc.

I love for a great many reasons. Every single one of those reasons is a person. They are not multiple reasons, masquerading as different names on different platforms.

They are people; individuals with flaws and failings and fears; people who endlessly amaze me with insight and understandings and perspectives which impart a gamut of wisdom. We are all much alike!


Steemit Inc. does not seem to listen. Steemit Inc. certainly has a difficulty in responding … I have presented my thoughts, my criticisms and my solutions. The responses (as rare as rocking-horse shit) are lame and smack of arrogance and ignorance.

Steemit Inc. does at present “own” – a reality contrary to the mantra of the blockchain which is synonymous with decentralisation, distribution of ownership and influence and freedom of self.

The blatant profiteering of whales from the content delivered by minnows sits upon torture chairs as the vilification of Facebook and Google is delivered.

Facebook and Google are angelic by contrast to the whales.


The delivered experience thus far is at odds with the rhetoric. So, we the people have to take over the policy formation for adoption by our masters.

Where are we going?

The Roadmap is as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.

Managing our way into a future of French Ideology:

liberté, égalité, fraternité

At present, there is a scarcity on all three fronts. There is no vision of the future.


So, I shall start it. It is not a Statement of Manifesto – it is an invitation to join in the discussion. Some of the Vision is in Heading Form. Some of it is in a more detailed form.

Let’s complete this thing as a community driven project, as intended.

In my drafting of this, you will notice a great deal of collaboration. There are a number of reasons for this.

  1. I have heard enough from the techies about how they hold the answers.
  2. The blockchain is our servant, not our master.
  3. Reinvention of wheels is a matter of stupidity – unless there is need.
  4. The inclusion of the world at large seems to be held up by handbrakes, foot brakes and bricks beneath axles and chassis. Let’s get this show on the road.
  5. Right now, I think it would be a struggle to debate that is a force for good. It is not.
  6. It looks like there are many people who are preserving their SP and their relative position as they wait for something to happen. Sitting on your SP will have zero positive impact upon the world. Two possibilities: you either have no capability of making something new happen (fine – we all have different roles) or you are impeding progress (this needs no qualification which cannot be meted out to you by your mother and a wet fish).

Suggestion of the approach to take:

You are on a World Council of Applying Change for Good to the World. Your remit is to agree to yourself the issues which you care about the most.

These issues could be global, regional, national, local, community or home-based.

Write these down in a way that anyone will understand the issue and the aspect of it which is causing you distress and how that is manifested.

Now write a solution – ignoring blockchain technology and

Now explain how blockchain technology and/or can bring about your solution in a way that is better. If the technology cannot enhance your solution, do it anyway. If it can, start doing it on If is not the right medium, we need a new application for the blockchain!



A Structure of Planning and Prioritisation

1. Principles

Mission Statement:
Example: “ aims to be the biggest Social Media platform by 2023.”

Example: “Our values and policy structures will ensure the consistent quest to provide people with the very best tools and functionality in personal and community based communication.”

Subscriber owned and driven. No individual or group of individuals to ever have a greater influence than 3% by October 2020.


Steem and Steem Power:
Steem: to become the agreed principal system of exchange, executed over the blockchain across all Steemit Inc. and Steemit Inc related assets.

All Steemit Inc assets are to remain upon an open source basis for developers. A guiding council is to be established to steer and ensure that user-centricity and viability outside the blockchain are the primary filters.


2. Services


An interface which allows subscribers to load posts without formatting.

Delegated voting in exchange for service.

Message console ( user-interface, incorporating the related websites) to include Direct Messaging, VOIP, Crypto-exchanges, discord, etc. funded via a steem fee payment.

Six week care programme. Access to a help desk (human). I already provide this in our Facebook Group for nothing more than wanting to see people succeed. It takes six weeks to make a habit.


A pre-posting plagiarism check, with authenticator.


8 channels of copyright free music from mixcloud.

Regular News Channel – Real, based upon the sorts of people who are reporters not puppets.

Media Exchange – everything from Getty Images to Universal Pictures. I wrote a piece about Newzulu, you may have seen.


SteemBank – the world does not and cannot, in its current structure, work without debt. Furthermore, the consensus amongst economists is that every economy needs a ready supply of liquid, discretionary and immediate cash. Not a swipe card but notes and coins. How are blockchain currencies going to fulfil these needs or are they needing a securitisation structure?

SteemCommerce – gaming to shopping, travel to security systems. Open source functionality of commercial systems and monetary services are to be developed. There will also need to be an Ombudsman or Chamber of Commerce as every system will be a new system. Where R&D are required, how is the investor rewarded?

Currency interface – FIAT and other blockchain currencies


Stock Market. Streamlined clearing system – SIS is the European based leader in the field and it is a huge lumbering beast. PWC are the biggest overseers of the Stock Market in London and have a replica which I have seen. This is simply redundancy capability.

A Steem Music publishing company which rewards artists through ‘smart contracts’.


Distance learning platform – SteemSchool. Fully certified by a leading Educational Institute(s) but content driven by an educator, rather than someone who teaches students how to pass exams. @lasseehlers would become a legal home-schooling parent! There is a lot of mileage in this Service Sector.

KidsSteem, aside from the school, a safer better platform for the kids – they can start earning as they are (L)earning. The minimum subscriber age is now 13. What is the rationale?


Blockcloud – I have no idea whether this is even feasible but it sounds like it might render cloud technology more secure.

Once these ideas are given shape, they can be assessed for value to the different types and sectors of the community and assessed for development time and costs. External partnerships will make this clearer.

These are then all managed as the development sector, within the global development path of The Development path of does not, as best we know, exist but somewhere in there is Alpha … I hope!


Over to you …

It is:

your platform
your future
your vision

Take Ownership
Take Responsibility
Share your ability


Follow @ebryans for Content:



I agree 100% - the lack of professionalism in the Steemit administration is going to hold this coin back big time. They have loud mouth weirdos manning the steemitchat rooms and it deters people from buying

Thank you @mwh930, your comment is very much appreciated. I am afraid that there is an abundant dearth of skills required and the community seems to have it in spades!
Two ears and one mouth is the perceived wisdom required.
At present there seems to be neither.
Followed and I look forward to your contribution to the shaping of this platform - my post is an invitation, rather than a prescription!

Many people are very tired - STEEM became 1 year old 18 days ago

I have already brought on a lot of people to steemit both investors and users. I gave everybody a great demonstration in what I do/did/can do again for STEEM if the tops can stop acting like they know it all and have all the solutions but show some real solidarity instead of this spineless weakness I constantly observe.

Just a little bit of rest, is all we need.

To get hung up in STEEM-policy 24/7 is time consuming to say the least, and there is no hiding the fact that Steemit Inc. and the STEEM community are not one and the same. After all, they have a majority stake in this network and a minority stake in the golos-network, their goals must therefore be much more long term thinking and less short term problem-solving.

I have seen good things and bad things coming from both @ned and @sneak and @fyrstikken and @ebryans and @everyone else in this time-period, we all have blood on our hands and shit in our mouths. So yeah - let´s change STEEMIT, beginning with myself.

The best way to find me and other super-active steemians is on @steemspeak

I am on 17/6 all year, we are all ears and have hashed out great ideas and dumb conversations since long time ago, and we will continue to do so in the years to come. Just need to clean our hands, brush our teeth and carpe diem

Steem on buddy

Awesomeness!! 👍👍👍

I appreciate your remarks @fyrstikken - you are a man whom I respect as you are as involved as you are for the good of the platform, not just for yourself. You should be acknowledged more than you are.
We do not all have to be of one mind. We should all be of one purpose.
My concerns are numerous, as are yours. Not only am I simply appalled at the iniquitous profiteering of the stake holders. I am further appalled at the bald ignoring of same and the continued posturing of how is the messianic platform to rid the internet of the abusers of other people's content. The public voice is starkly at odds with the treatment of the providers of value who are shamefully treated.
More ex-steemians than current steemians is a stat which should be addressed. Meantime, those providers of content are funding a Steemit Inc project which cannot be quantified or qualified in its benefit to those people being forced to fund it.
Should anyone out there be thinking,"nobody is forcing anyone to do anything" - to them I would refer to the mother and wet fish statement.
Let's steem on and build a decent - enough hot air!
By the way, 112 views and 101 votes ... what might that tell you? I know what it tells me!

"5- Right now, I think it would be a struggle to debate that is a force for good. It is not."

I remember back in october/november I felt Steemit was at a point it could define its self and be the pall barer of what is good for social media. I watched it pivot the other way. (in my opinion anyways.)

Today I feel different. What is a good direction or cause for Steemit as the world's go to social media platform? Which ever path it took it would not appease everyone.

This delegating SP to other users only solidifies guild type mentality and I worry this place will just be here to satisfy the minds and interests of a few groups of people.

Some sort of a cap on maximum SP ownership would probably discourage large purchases of Steem. But it is something we need to figure out.

I think that the tight knight leaders of groups and guilds and how they work together is a big deterrent for getting someone to sign up and make a splash with a million dollar buy in.

If steemit was in the same game as the other large social media platforms what would stop CNN or Fox from powering up half a million dollars just to get their agenda at the top?

They could have a flagging war and keep powering up buying all my steem, just to shut each other up. It would be epic. Steem value would skyrocket on the exchanges. We would all be rich.

I don't need steem power I am a minnow. Unless I got $10k to kick in just to get my feet wet never mind swimming in the deep end with the sharks, I'd need half a mil.

Anyways man,
Got us thinking again didn't ya.

I will resteem this in a couple days. Promise

Great comment ... just what the post was designed to do ... get people thinking! There seems to be a malaise of - "someone else will do it" pervading the platform. People have stopped posting - and commenting (unlike you and a few notable others). The community is paying for this new swimming pool (notionally $210,00) and is getting no benefit which can be quantified or qualified. It should be recognised as an account ranked at No.20, in terms of value, which is owned and operated on behalf of all the contributors. Think of the community benefits this should be bringing right now and could serve as a legacy into the future (like a Trust Fund).
Meantime we have a new marketing department which has an equivalent communication capacity to a deaf mute.
Abrogation of responsibility is the name of the game.
The really funny thing about this post is that it is trying to kick the platform kicking and screaming into the future - it has nearly as many views as votes(!!!) Whale response ... absent - why?
The answer is that they are in the pool!
Rewards Pool Cartoon.png

I haven't heard the whales say much in a long time about anything. They are now silent partners guess. lol

I'm gonna give the Steem Marketing dept some more time. It's really new they don't ave a template to work with like so many other SM sites because nothing like this has been done before. But that video was awful, could have at least wowed us. I mean we got a ton of authors here who are whizzes at video editing and music. They could have made a proper video to make with effects cheap, Steemit cheap, could probably find someone they can pay with SP and SBD. His message wasn't horrible but it was expressed poorly.

Another AWESOMENESS ! 👍👍👍

Long post, some great ideas, thanks for kicking us awake - however i can not follow everything the effort alone is worth a deep BOW!

I am confident the blockchain should offer other companies and solutions a place here like the coffee app that rewards farmers fairly i just posted today.

Coming back to some points - roadmap link to French revolution sounds first sight good but to me a too bloody one: liberté, égalité, fraternity are just buzzwords - and create muderers and a lot bad things thereafter - and we have enough whale wars already here or better call them Kindergarten.

The principle part is an interesting one - so these are your suggestions correct?

Mission Statement:
Example: “ aims to be the biggest Social Media platform by 2023.” - very ambitious - I would not see them competing with the broad consumer platforms such as FB or IG - I rather would see them more in a nice space (but i might be wrong):

Example: “Our values and policy structures will ensure the consistent quest to provide people with the very best tools and functionality in personal and community based communication.” - 100% in agreement

Subscriber owned and driven. No individual or group of individuals to ever have a greater influence than 3% by October 2020. - That is hard to implement as we have a capitalistic world and that would go close to communism and socialist structure (which have their advantages too!);

The services sound really cool, already go into a trainee programs direction I like, especially the on boarding 6 weeks sound excellent! Could be done via a buddy programs, user for user which gets separate rewards!

In all - great thinking behind - you are more advanced than most users here hence forgive some stupid questions from time to time.

Thank you for Your concern for the platform. Sorry I can't help as many don't understand here. But such articles give us hope that the platform will evolve and exist still. This is a great work.

@inna-yatsuk, you are such a fine steemian and I cannot say enough how appreciative I am of your kind comments. I am just one of those people who cannot stand idly by whilst people perpetrate heinous acts against their peers. The hypocrisy is dreadful. Wilberforce did not eradicate this behaviour to have whales reinvent it.
Your desire to communicate, despite your self-deprecation in English skills, is what typifies the people of character who are prepared to wave a flag for the cause of Freedom, Equality and Brother(sister)hood. Respect to you!

You are very kind.

Awww so nice! We hope you keep learning and teaching us about Ukraine and its people. Yes, you are peaceful and it shows!

When you have a chance to sit down, watch movies in English with Russian subtitles - it is a very good way to learn. Early James Bond movies are good as the language is very clear. Most of the English movies from the 60s/70s are like that.
I have some on-line courses which are good as well. Please try to find English English, not American English, you will find that you speak much more clearly and better!
Tell me if I can help.

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the first half of Apr 11. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $0.67 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Apr 11 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Good suggestions. Honestly I think you are kind of person who has many" cristics bullet" (in good meaning) and you put that "bullets" into machine gun and fire of all that "bullets". Ha...ha.. The target (person in this case is steemit inc) will suprised and only reacted with pale face. Anyway we are really need person like you. Thank you for sharing your good opinion ! Nice ! :)

Thank you my dear friend! Much appreciated.
The bullet fired is "Communication"
The rest of it is suggested community based generation of the shaping of the future of Which is the aspect which you feel most strongly about? The community needs your input ... or at least your opinion.
Namaste @happyphoenix

For this moment, I just concern about how to produce good posting and writing. I will follow people who have good sugestion for better community on steemit. (In my own slang language is "Nyimak", have meaning watch and learn). Nice ! :)

Very good explanation and clear solutions for the Post-Flag era of Steemit.
I don't post anymore on steemit, because my blog is showing that my posts are flagged for selfish reasons and not by the right use of this tool ( that seems to be shaped for dominance and control with technological excuses).
I still join and talk to all the beautiful people and small communities I met on Steemit and I'm sad for all the good bloggers and other valued members, that left.

But as the platform is not owned by the users like the initial philosophy of the blockchain and will always lead to centralized authority and indiscriminate use of power and turn into a "prisonchain".
People making conspiracies in the name of others, even if they are supported by them, is still an appropriation of self-ownership by blindness or voluntary servitude.
Fear is the actual foundation of conservative authoritarian power to generate insecurity and instability as a justification to reinforce their power and creating "false escape goats" for the actual state that they created in the beginning and pretend now to be the saviors.
They destroy people from other groups as a form of unifying their followers giving them unrestrained and autocratic use of their self-centered authority, and kill all the messengers that do not bring their "fake news".
The blockchain is a gift for planet Earth because it is an alternative to the actual centralized kleptocratic systems.
The modern attention economy will run based on proof of work as Reputation of its intelligent producing agents, but this can never happen in a centralized system where some people rule on their selfish interests.
To stop here I leave this quotes for some part of the conservatism of some Steemians that is being led by autocratic dogmatism that will destroy Steemit.
"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."- Nelson Mandela
"I hate victims who respect their executioners". Jean-Paul Sartre
"When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right."- Victor Hugo

May I draw attention to one line you wrote which stood out like a neon giraffe on the savannah:"Fear is the actual foundation of conservative authoritarian power to generate insecurity and instability ..."
Absolutely spot on. This is the reason why we need to take back that which was assured and is still dished out to the press. The future is not (or should not be) a Steemit Inc. diktat.
This post is a call to steemians to take responsibility for the future of a remarkable step forwards. As it is this is a step back to pre-Wilberforce.
The language we should all be adopting is one of conciliation and mutually agreed purpose (not necessarily agreement - we are all humans with different points of view!)

Wow. That's alot to consider. I think I understand most of it. I will need to come back and read this several times before I understand it all. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you @troyvandeventer - good of you to drop by.
I hear you in terms of volume - however, sometimes one needs to look far far ahead. Some of these concepts would be on a 15 year horizon, maybe more, maybe less.
The point is that the development of the platform needs to get into shape. There are many aspects to this.
If there is a general agreement that the platform cannot go to 'Alpha' with the current rewards structure, why does Steemit Inc. continue with it? Reverse engineering is required and the prerequisite skills need to be brought on board.
Please do consider the attributes of a diversified steemcommerce /steemconomy which you would like to see - there is nothing on or off the board right now - a blank canvas to be generated collectively!

Like it meepsayer! Followed out of curiosity!

Just found this post! WoW! You are speaking my language! Mission, Vision, Action... We need services defined on the horizon and I can think of a whole lot. We need businesses to connect and I have some very interesting segments and innovative brands in mind. Just checked the other day, more than 600 crypto currencies available in the market. I would say, adding another one will not be too difficult?! Or do you think there is still hope for Steemit?

I wish I could be more hopeful about steemit.
Great idea ... shame about the rest. Bunch of spoilt brats.

However ... steemit is just steemit - there is a whole world of good stuff out there. As someone of a few more years than pretty much 99% of all steemians and having a little experience, just to give you an idea, I would not employ Ned Scott. He is just thick. Dan is very very bright but unemployable.
Below that, in the hierarchy, I have not read an intelligent comment from one of the top 30 account owners.
Nuff said.
Thanks for the kind comments - the funny thing when you look at these kinds of posts on a Social Media Platform such as steemit is to review the comments of the policy makers ... where did they go? There are none because they have never worked in Social Media or digicomms.
I would really like to see your views on the future. Shall we?

Are you on Discord?

EDIT: yes you are! I send you a private message on Discord.

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