It is tough starting a business, Steemit seems to be no different but it is down to us!

in #steemit8 years ago

Rumours of a major "fork". Is that a major "fork up?" To the uninitiated, me, for example, what the fork is a fork?

So here is a very toungue-in-cheek jibe.

Bloody formatting (why can't we have C:> back?)
Stupid language (most people cannot spell cryptocurrency let alone explain it!)
Upvoting - akin to up-chucking?
Powering up - sounds like a gymnasium session from hell.
143 people upvoted and my account grew by $0.25 (very slight exaggeration - it was 9 people and $0.00)

The really good bit is down the bottom so you have to READ all the way through. No skipping my pearls of wisdom, now!

I feel the same for what it is worth; no pain, no gain. Let's make it work ... for us - that is what user-generated content is all about, is it not?

At times like these I take solace in the Sex Pistols.


How brilliant was Sid singing My Way? See the master at work on YouTube here

The guitar riff at the start of Pretty Vacant ... genius! "There's no point in asking, you'll get no reply!" Unless you YouTube it ... click this bit.

My Steemit Day:

I decided to give my black head and shoulders a picture.
The system told me that my permissions did not permit it! I still do not know which of the plethora of 78 character auto-generated passwords I should use. My laptop notepad is more confused than I.

I then had a real shocker ... I thought I had lost my password! Which one? Wait 30 days it said ..."First rule of Fightclub ..."

gif animations

By virtue of this post I can feel the warmth of the collective sigh of relief ... thank you comrades! (Tribute to one of my heroes, Christopher Hitchens).

I then had a look to see how my really well-informed piece about Julian Assange was going ... 6 upvotes, no money. If you don't get the cash in the first 24 hours you get nowhere. Sod it. Maybe I posted it at the wrong time of day? Maybe everyone is done with Assange now that the US election is over. Maybe it was just a poor post! This is most definitely a spurious claim.

An aside: I upvoted someone's post the other day and their balance ... went down. It sounds awful but fuck I laughed!

Next I read a few posts from disgruntled Steemarians who are not feeling the Lava. We are all in the same boat it seems. Same boat? There is not a lot of meaningful help around is there? I mean, there's help and nice noises but not help; not help which says you should be here at this time or speak to these people, they are new and are rattling along.

We are all equal in our newbidity, are we not? Well, some are more equal than others, would say George Orwell. Oh, to be a whale! My Nemo-esque fins betray me. So shit creek and paddle-less seems apt; or shark and kayak in this soon to be shattered version of blissful ignorance.


So, I looked again at where I am sending my Julian Assange posts and the other posts which I have been doing my Steemian experiments upon. I realised a few structural flaws; please don't take this too seriously BUT, 'though this be madness yet there's method in't.' Thanks for that, Bill.

I am uncertain as to whether anyone has noticed but the options for subjects under which you can post are ... excuse the francais ici, mon brave ... shite. So I have analysed the various themes. It is overdue, my fellow Steemistianites.




But while there's moonlight and romance, let's dance!

What should we be addressing? Simply put, what matters to us; to you to the community of brethren that we are. As above, this is the essence of user-generated content.

I like movies. I just do. Sport and movies and Breaking Bad. So, watch this space. Well, watch the topic register and I make this pledge to you, my fellow generators of worthy content:

It shall not be named the "SteemitMovieChallenge" but something more ... inclusive.

Go forth to love and serve the blogosphere with fresh gusto.

I have been a little unfair in parts, though all is in jest (well, there is that method in the madness!). I would just like to say that I have had some very sincere and kind messages from people like @samstonehill, who introduced me to Steemit, @johnjgeddes, @stellabelle, @jlufer, @mattrud, @pilgrimtraveler, @everittdmickey, @alexgr, @timcliff, @jamesbrown, @kyriacos, @kiligirl, @barrycooper, @koskl, @vegascomic.

Thank you to each of you for your preparedness to take time out for someone who is trying to get their head around some of this stuff. Just an afterthought, some of you have chosen to disguise your name. Why would that be?

PPS. Many of you will not be fans of The Sex Pistols. So, this one is for you, a beautiful song from my favourite musical:

Les Miserables, and sung exquisitely by Ruthie Henschall:

I dreamed a dream

As I try to post I get this: INVALID_STATE_ERR : Pausing to reconnect websocket!! Not my day for Steemisticationisms ...

Photo Credits: Ethel Perez, Lori Lovely, James Badgedale, Aquamans, Quotes for Bro's, Photobucket, Pinterest

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