You Are Nowhere (The First Chapter)

in #steemit8 years ago

How did it get to this? Why must our babies be born into slavery? Why must we register our property? Why must we obtain licenses to do what we wish? Why is the fruit of our labor stolen from us? Why are we forced to use a currency that is nothing more than a promissory debt note, backed by nothing and inflated into worthlessness so that we can never create generational wealth with it? Why must our elderly pay taxes on property they’ve paid off? Why must we pay taxes on any transactions? What happened in the 19th and 20th centuries that created the human slavery of the 21st century? Why do people who produce so little take so much? How were 62 people able to accumulate as much wealth as half the world’s population in 2016? 

To acquire the answer to these inquiries, we must look to different ages, because the solutions to the 21st century’s problems are not found in the 21st century mindset. The 21st century mindset accepts authority as Truth instead of Truth as authority. It mistakes the whims of man for the laws of nature. Its imagination has been led to the slaughter under the dins of different laughter. For those that read this in the following centuries, as I write these words, an estimated 9.5 million people are playing a “hybrid reality” game on their smartphones where they chase fictional videogame characters in the real world simulation using their device’s location services. Ironically, the game was developed by a CIA-funded software front group, which had its hand in other social media platforms, creating the most pervasive network of surveillance the world has ever known. 

If you are reading this in the future, may you live prosperously without ever encountering such abominations. While hordes of people are stuck in a construct within a construct, a digital simulation, the world is on the brink of World War III, Venezuelans are crossing borders and killing pets to feed themselves, the insolvent banks have transferred their burdens onto nations, and countries are collapsing. As I write you, the most popular news stories are the Republican National Convention of the United States presidential reality show and a feud between two musicians whose lawyers are getting ready to do battle over leaked phone conversations being recorded and publicized without consent. Meanwhile, the government has been spying on Americans, and people all over the world, and recording them without their consent for decades with almost zero outrage. This work is not meant to find the people of my generation, although those who do find it will benefit from it if they take it seriously. The current race is quite literally considered lost at sea, the dead, corpses known as legal-fiction corporations. They are incessantly mocked with zombie movies and television shows, alluding to them, but like walking dead zombies, they mindlessly consume the mockery and love it. It is their substance

This work is meant to find you, reader, so that you can know what happened leading up to and during the most significant event of human history. I imagine most records will have been destroyed and edited by the time you get this, leaving no paper trail of what was done to your ancestors. However, to know the way the game is played, we must learn how language is used as a tool to protect those that control this paradigm from those who maintain it, or in other terms, to prevent the seven-chakra hue-mans, the pawns, from reaching the eighth square on the grand chessboard, the next octave in the seven-color spectrum, and turning into something else.  

First, let us look at the definition of a Deaf Phoenician, provided by Chiron Last: “One who stops at the status quo’s interpretation of a word, ignoring etymology and phonics.”  

Did you see the wordplay? Phonetically, a definition is a Deaf Phoenician. Words like phonics, phonetics, phonemes, phonology, phone, phony, etc. come from the Phoenicians, the architects of the oldest verified alphabet, derived from Egyptian hieroglyphics, containing 22 letters: 11:11. We’ll get into the esoteric meanings of 11:11 later.  In order to come to a deep mastery of language, one cannot not stop at the status quo’s interpretation of a word. One cannot accept any authority’s claim of what a word means, but rather consider it along with the other possibilities and potentials with which that word may be used, because there is also a spiritual intent infused in a word’s creation that may only benefit the creator(s) of it, lest that intent be known to others who speak that very word so that it is precisely projected into the ocean of energy that exists between bodies with the original intent for which it was formed. 

One must consider various physical world elements relating to the word and then contemplate the spiritual significance of how the words are being applied, not merely by intent and action, but also by syncromysticism, physical senses, and soul senses. To avoid confusion, the seven physical senses are touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, intuition, and thought transference. Someone might scoff at the ludicrous claim that words could be tasted or smelled. But when something leaves a ‘bad taste in one’s mouth,’ the idiom indicates that something made one feel like something was amiss, wrong, unfair, or ill-willed. When something ‘smells fishy,’ it indicates one sensing dishonesty or something to be suspicious of. Words have all kinds of effects on people, and just because one cannot appreciate another’s experience, it does not disprove or invalidate that experience. 

The seven soul senses are the power to psychometrize (to know an object’s or thing’s history by touching it), the power to absorb and enjoy the finer essence of the life wave, the power to distinguish the spiritual aromas of nature, the lucid state called clairvoyance (the ability to discern objects not present to the senses or perceive matters beyond the range of one’s seemingly ordinary perception), the ability to perceive the ethereal vibrations termed clairaudience, the capacity to receive true inspiration, and the power to converse with spiritual intelligences at will. We will get to the correspondences of the seven physical and spiritual senses with the seven notes of music, seven colors of the spectrum, seven chakras, seven planets, etc. soon enough. Let me be unmistakably clear. If you have not been tampered with, you have these abilities. It is up to you to cultivate them. Most of us have been tampered with unfortunately, which is why there are so many defects in our genome. However, through epigenetics, you are not your DNA, and thus you can change yourself through the biology of your thoughts and overcome the setbacks that epieugenicists have inflicted upon you. As one develops his or her physical and spiritual senses, many words will reveal their soul, their sol, to him or her through syncromysticism, defined by Jake Kotze as “the art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance.” 

If the various options for discovering the science of the sounds of speech and the nature of one’s reality become overwhelming, try experimenting with one sense or method at a time. Trying to do everything at once will cause imbalance and discord, both internally and externally. Clear your mind, speak your intent, and ask for assistance. If you are sincere, it will come to you, and like a beautiful flower, it will sprout from its seemingly dark surroundings in the soil and blossom into a higher level of consciousness.     

Now, to teach you the skillset that Chiron Last taught me, let us state the primary methods of dissecting and knowing the wholeness of a word:    

1. Study the different definitions throughout history. Their meanings may change with the whims of man and the evolutions or devolutions of vernaculars. 

2. Explore etymologies, and remember, some scholars’ guesses, though educated, are merely guesses. This is when you must tap into other senses to assist you in comprehending a word’s history (high story) and power. Under no circumstances are you to use black magick to attain this sacred knowledge. We’ll get into that, but to avoid digression we must press on. 

3. Experiment with phonics and phonetics to unlock and learn the Language of the Birds, also known as Green Language, a secret and perfect language that is the key to perfect knowledge and the evolution of human consciousness. It is the phonetic law of the spoken Kabbalah that frees the spirit of the word, allowing it to mingle with you, the living soul. 

4. Play with word-splitting, the art of finding concealed meanings of words by dividing them and rearranging them into a different sequence. For example: ‘Understand’ can be rearranged to mean “stand under,” which is why judges ask you if you understand the charges against you. They are not asking you if you are competent enough to comprehend the charges. We’ll get into that later. 

5. Anagrams, i.e. ‘earth’ equals ‘heart’ when its letters are rearranged, and the Earth functions in the seven-planet solar system the exact same way that the heart functions in the body and the heart chakra functions in the seven-chakra system. They also correspond to the green in the seven-color spectrum, which is why Nature produces green in abundance and why the Language of the Birds is called Green Language. Do you have ears to hear? Move the ‘s’ in ears to the front of the word and you get sear, “to burn or char the surface” or “to mark with a branding iron.” But phonetically, sear can be seer, “a person blessed with profound moral and spiritual knowledge,” “one who sees,” or “one who prophesies the future.” Are you a seer, a prophet? Do you have eyes to see? Will your life be profitable?    

Before we jump into the rabbit hole, let us conclude this chapter with one of the most powerful words in the English language: Nowhere. Do you know where you are? You are now here because you can be nowhere else. 

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