Web Developers - Do you have time to consider this possible steem killer app?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I know a lot of people say "you know what would be great" as it happens to me all the time with people in game development. My game development is partially why I don't have the time to pursue this myself. Though I think it could be quite lucrative.

We know there are increasing amounts of censorship and talks about the blockchain. We have the steemit.com front end to the steem blockchain, and the busy.org front end to the same blockchain...

This inspired a big what if that if we could pull it could be HUGE for the steem blockchain.

What if we could provide a means for people that have existing blog, and news websites to transition their site to the steem blockchain.

Basically something like Wordpress but initially simplified so it would do some pretty basic things but also permit them to embed ads and other things they are currently using in the side areas of their page?

I was thinking of Infowars which whether you love it or hate it is a hugely popular site and how their advertisement and other things are coming under attack. I am going to use screenshots of their site to illustrate my idea, but really I believe tools to do this with a number of websites would be the key.

Their front page might be a little trickier to initially migrate, but I want to look at some actual articles to illustrate the idea I have.

The main bulk of that article with the images, text, etc we could do using the steem blockchain no problem. The other parts could be done as an iFrames (not a fan) or similar technique that the web owners could choose themselves.

Their front end and even that first page could be traditionally hosted so really keeping it looking the way it does now would be doable.

Mainly their content, the articles and content could be moved onto the steem blockchain.

It then would be decentralized and censorship resistant. Their main page may not, but it would still be visible via steemit, busy, etc.

So the key here is that whatever system designed for them is setup so it can show only certain users that they want to be able to contribute to their site. People like Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Mili Weaver, etc. The web page would display only those people like a fixed feed. So while those of us on steemit.com would see them and everyone else as we do now, the people who visited infowars.com or prisonplanet.com would see a customized view into the steem blockchain revealing only the authors they want their site to show.

As far as their comment section. We can do that too, with the added benefit their customers can make money by participating.

If we could do something like this it could go beyond simply this. This is one way we could potentially solve the community/group issues.

We could create individual web pages for different interest groups using this technique. Pages that subscribe only to specific tags.

The overall idea is to provide tools for people to move their page over to using the steem blockchain, and their comments, and to allow other people to spin up other sites that interface with the blockchain and only display certain tags, people, or both.

Steem On!


I'd start with wordpress and just have the pages stored into and retrieved from the steem blockchain.
I don't have time to look at anything like this, but perhaps with a bounty of some sort the community could find someone.

Yeah if it was integrated with Wordpress that'd likely work out pretty well.

This is a very good idea,but I wish some other sites could be picked.Alex Jones is a raving maniac.Of course,if the software exists,infowars and other bullshit conspiracy sites can't be prevented from using it,but we should not start by reaching out to them.There are many others being censored,for instance animal rights activists and Wikileaks.Wikileaks would be a great bet,that would lead to massive publicity,and possibly the attempt by the U.S government to take down the steem blockchain,so maybe too risky,on second thoughts..

Infowars is a huge news site and has faced some censorship. Like I said whether you love it or, hate it is irrelevant. We should welcome ALL websites. Censorship should be stopped, freedom of speech all the way. Wikileaks would be a cool one. Like I said though... bring them all... but anyone being censored is our obvious early targets.

Right now at least Wikileaks has proven more advantageous to Trump than harmful. So unless you still think Obama is president, or Hillary has control we should be okay. However, what might he do if Wikileaks does get something leaked about him and attacks him. Hard to say, and pure speculation at this point. I kind of think Wikileaks coming here wouldn't be a negative thing at the moment. Though come to think of it a lot of websites are being targeted and attacked. They are sites that seem to be pro-Trump so I take that back Wikileaks would likely paint a target on the blockchain. Though at some point a blockchain is going to come under attack, better to insure it is resilient enough to survive an attack early on than to find out much later after we have even more time invested.

Good thinking @dwinblood! I'm sure that it would be a very useful app.

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

This is a great idea @dwinblood 😄 💯 👍


So kind of like...

WikiStream SteemPowered?


Not familiar with Wikistream.

I was more thinking of any of those BUILD YOUR OWN website sites, yet we provide a way to have a specified tag/person based feed on the page, comments, and we allow them since it is their page to add ads and whatever they want on the borders using HTML or whatever method they prefer.

Sorry, was trying to create a new phrase. WikiSteem instead of WikiLeaks.


Our BuildItOnSteem or SteemBuilder

Implementation idea:

In WordPress, create a custom theme which takes articles from the Steem blockchain instead of from the database it normally would do. No need to change anything else.

Wordpress blogs show posts because theme developer command it to do. Just change that part and that would work.

The only thing is that then the theme will not exactly behave as a Wordpress theme.

(EDIT: The same about the comments. Theme developers are able to customize comments. But that will probably take more effort)

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