I am a weird person. I am creative. Sometimes I should be wearing a tinfoil hat... game developer, musician, etc.

in #steemit8 years ago

This is my WHO AM I post.

I started programming in 1982 when I was 12 years old on a Timex Sinclair 1000 with 2K RAM (aka Z80). I was pretty hooked from that point and have done many many computer related things. I won't go over those things in this post as that could be quite boring. I will perhaps go into that later if there is any interest.

I am one of those people that saw bitcoins when they were at $0.005/coin and I thought it was a great idea but I didn't buy them for two reasons. 1) I thought perhaps the government might squash it, 2) $20 would buy a meal for my family and I at the time and we were living paycheck to paycheck. I didn't buy it even though I thought it was cool and had potential. Of course I am kicking myself.

My wife has indicated that if I see anything like that in the future I need to tell her "I need to spend this money for the future." I believe steem and steemit could be such a thing. It has tremendous potential.

I am an eccentric or weird person. I have no illusions about this. I can get very involved in discussions on religion, politics, science (specifically the scientific method), game development, music, and more. I often will keep that confined to slack or to reddit though I would like to move all of that to here as it just makes sense.

I will also discuss conspiracy THEORIES, but I understand those two words and their independent meanings so because I discuss them does not mean I believe them. I am completely discussing anything and reading anything. Doing so does not mean I will believe it.

However, I do joke that I wear a tinfoil faraday cage for a hat sometimes.

I have one friend on slack telling me I should post a big post about Hillary Clinton. I may do this... I'm sure it'd get some people fired up. I love to discuss things, and I especially love talking to people who disagree with me as long as we both keep it civil. I don't really learn much by only speaking to people that agree with me.

I hope steemit proves to be the social media home I'd been hoping for.

I have done a few things...

I co-founded I.C.S. Electrozine in the early 90s which was an ASCII only internet based zine before the WWW started off. Though later people gave me the credit for solely founding it since I did the work. Another person helped with the idea, but I guess those that came after decided to credit me since I wrote all the subscription handling software, contributed to the zine, and was the main editor for the first two years. Copies of that are still floating around out there on the web.


I have always been into gaming of the electronic, board, and pen and paper kind for a very long time.

I made one of the first mods for the game Empire Earth II.

Then I moved onto Bioware's Neverwinter Nights where I made some tools/scripts that were very popular with other modders and were the inspiration for the system Obsidian ended up using in Neverwinter Nights 2

NPC ACTIVITIES was the script that was most popular. I also had various weather, desert survival, and dreaming related scripts.

RTS - Harvest of Souls is a unique fully playable module that I made for NWN that melded RTS and RPG in unique ways I still haven't been able to find to this day. I will revisit this topic later as this is a project I'd like to recreate.

I worked on the DLA/RoXiDy team to create the last Premium Module sold by Bioware called Wyvern Crown of Cormyr.


I later went on to make the horse system scripts, and a few others for the final official patch 1.69 by Bioware for Neverwinter Nights.

I didn't do much in the scenes after that. Though I have been working on Unity extensively with my son Nathan who is also here on steemit as https://steemit.com/@theanubisrider

We have a current project that was greenlit for the Steam platform that we are hoping to release within the next 2 to 3 months that is called Wormhole Ventures. I may blog about that some as we get further.

It started out as a kickstarter that did not get funded:

I play guitar, practice martial arts sometime, write, think, etc.

I made Lyrical versions of some of Jon Schaffer of Iced Earths side project "Sons of Liberty" that he initially released for free on youtube. Some of those are pretty popular. THESE ARE NOT MONETIZED AS IT IS JON SCHAFFER'S MUSIC

I don't tend to like to video myself, particularly now as I have wild unkempt hair (Einstein like or worse) and the moment look like a demented Santa Claus. You can see me from several years ago though if you really want to by watching that old Kickstarter video.


Nice meeting you, enjoyed reading your post. Weird is good!

I think so as well, but I do try to be honest. I figured I'd beat everyone to the punch.

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