About new Steemit users and my low battery

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I am very glad to see more and more new Steemit users every day!

These days, you can see a lot of new introduction posts and a lot of really interesting content. The number of my followers increases rapidly, faster than ever. And all of them are new in this, they need help and support to succeed here. We don't need the people who will write only one or two posts and get disappointed after they see few cents of reward. Being a user on Steemit means to be a hard worker. A researcher!

New faces brought new style of blogging and new topics.

Many of them are friendly and commenting on our post. I started to follow some of them to give them my support. Do not hesitate to help them if they ask. They have to find their direction and get followers. That doesn't happen over the night. Now I'm remembering of myself in the first days as a Steemit users eleven months ago. There was not so many users but the rewards of trending posts were tremendous. It wasn't so easy to be recognized as a quality writer as today. I'm proud when I see a lot of same names doing the same things (but improved) as the last year. I'm glad that all friends that I made on Steemit are consistent and persistent users who develop their skills each day.

I'm especially proud to see a lot of new Croatian Steemers, there were just two or three of us back then. But I also see many people from the whole world and that makes me smile.

I recommend to all new users to use https://steemstats.com/ and https://steemdb.com/ to check some details about your account. But I'm sure that you'll all find it out.

Only thing that kinda worries me is my low battery...

Many new users post a lot, more than 7 - 8 posts in a day, and some of them are really great, but I can't upvote them all because my battery is very low at the moment (check https://steemstats.com). Even many old users started to post more than ever since rewards had increased. It's all good, but I can't catch all with my Steem Power. I'll try to do my best! Thank you!


You don't need to upvotes 100%
As a Dolphin, we have plenty of SP
That way we can up votes more followers

In both ways, battery is down

Did you read my 20 m vest post?
You will understand more.

Would like to see steemit move more towards a reddit style where I could subscribe to topics I have more interest in. I don't have that much interest in food or art and equally so many will not have interest in history and sports.

Your battery may not get so drained if you were only reading through posts in topics that interest you more. Of course this can partially be done already by only looking for new posters in,say, 3-5 of the topics that interests you the most

Love the last image! And thanks for the support!

Steem is growing...good to hear I guess;)

nice bit of insight into steemit thanks

Thank you for comment

Hi @dumar022, thanks for your post. Coming from an "oldskooler" like you it is nice to hear that we " the newguys" are welcomed. About the fact you can not vote for everyone, I told another great user the story I post below. Hope it helps ;)

Hi @surfermarly, I was reading the comments and I think all logic replies are given. What crosses my mind is that the fact that you are even thinking about how to devide your attention and votingpower, shows you are a wonderful person someone would love to be friends with.

Saying this, let's look at it as being a friendship. In "real life" you have a group of friends that you like being with. Since there are only 24hrs in a day and you got stuff to do, you can not devote all your time to them. But you follow them anyways, so it's ok.

In this group of friends there are a couple that you hang out with most of the time. This equals quantity (hopefully also quality haha).

Then there is this one friend you only get together with once in a couple weeks or months, but when you do it feels safe and familiair and you are having a great time. This equals quality.

And there are these friends you hang around with because they are actually more friends of your friends. In some cases you get to know each other better and you grow closer and in some cases you feel there is none connection what so ever. Thats life.

Basically what I am trying to say is that people will appreciate you if you upvote or comment them on every article, but they will also appreciate you when you don't do this on every article but just give one great heartwarming comment once in a while. At least this is what I like to believe...
Hope this contributes a little bit :)

Hopefully Steemit grows out to a even bigger community than it already is with many great articles, upvoted by many wonderful people and that it may even build some new friendships.

Thanks for this interesting comment, I enjoyed reading it! Meanwhile you got a follower

@dumar022 Glad you enjoyed it :) Steem on and remember... GoCoconuts ;)

we appreciate it...battery charges and solar panels in the mail -- you just had to ask :-)

it is exciting, growth is explosive .. my power, voting power is low.. need to let it build up and then do a bunch of voting then

yes, that is what i'm talking about, thanks!

Very good post :)

Yes, it looks like Steemit needs some updates on tags and topics. Just too many posts incoming, and only little percent of them gets noticed, even if you are the best writer on the planet, it's becoming a matter of luck, lol. Charge up, good article!

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