The Steemit Lull..

in #steemit7 years ago

I feel like from my observations on post payouts and the general attitude of everyone's posts lately.. that a dark cloud is circling and encompassing Steemit. It has effectively been put into Schrodinger's box. A lot of the best content providers, and the usual up voters have stepped back and are waiting to see if the vial of poison broke. Everything is at at standstill (as big of a standstill as the block-chain will allow).


Great posts are going without many votes, whereas a month ago.. those posts would have gotten the well deserved love. I'm sure this is effecting the new users as well, though since they are new. They may not see the lull like I see it. I am here still up voting as well as I can. Waiting to get to the eye of the storm. Where I can see Schrodinger's box and hopefully achieve some clarity as to what is on the other side of this storm.

image from @thefinanceguy

The cryptocurrency block-chain space is about to start moving ahead rapidly. Steem is in a good position for this happening. There are some big moves to be made and time is of the essence. I know the community itself is capable of taking this leap forward. I hope Steemit the company is up for these big moves, and willing to help the community while initiating the big moves only steemit the company can make. The witnesses do an amazing job, they are all building great things, doing the advertising, controlling plagiarism and spam as best they can.. and of course, being witnesses to the Steem block-chain.

image from pixabay

This dark cloud I'm feeling. I know others feel it to. We need to focus on the good things. We need to focus on empowering ourselves as a community to reach even more and more people. We need the people who are here, to invest in Steemit to reward others that deserve rewards too. Don't expect rewards, if you aren't willing to invest into Steemit as well and reward others too. You may still get rewards, it depends on the merit of your posts. I for one, feel good giving 50 cents here and 20 cents there. Rewarding everyone who takes their time posting quality things. I wish I was giving 50$ here and 20$ there, Someday I hope to be.. More than making hundreds of dollars on this post or that. I want to give 100$ on this post or that. No charging for tokens or upvotes though this is a fine strategy that I have no problem with. I just think we need more plain ole rewarding good content.

This is all coming from a low level Steemian who doesn't have the ability to up vote like that and who doesn't have an enormous amount invested (yet).. I have a few thousand Steem, and I am looking this month into doubling it. I don't need to see into the eye of this storm to know, that Steem will come out on the other side. This community is too good for it not to come out on the other side better, this block-chain is too good not to move forward and up.

So lets, stop this lull. Lets push this storm out of the way. By making this community shine so bright that the black cloud surrounding us dissipates. Come out from under your rocks Minnows, get your asses back here dolphins, and send a little love and help when you can humble whales! Lets have then rest of this year for Steem, be better than the first half. Steem had a good first half of the year. ChainBB, Steepshot, Esteem, Viewly, EOStalk, Whaleshares, the PAL network, Steemgigs, all the great new challenges. The community killed it! Lets have some more of that please!

Thanks for taking the time to look and to read. Now go post some positive, uplifting greatness I can up vote please! Feel free to share it (NO SPAM LINKS, good links) in the comments so I won't miss it! Or just let me know your thoughts on everything, if you noticed it too!

You are all appreciated




I agree, things have changed. Not sure exactly why. But I have seen this before. It could get worse before it gets better. But I do hope that the recent increase in the price of Bitcoin will cascade into a rising price of Steem. It is disheartening to post to my blog and only earn 30 - 40 cents when I feel I can do better commenting. But I have seen much worse. In the past I made many posts with zero earnings. I do appreciate your upvote on the photo I posted today. I think you are wise to work on increasing your Steem Power now as I feel it is relatively inexpensive.


I think everybody is on vacation ;I notice across the internet; come Aug 1, bye bye..

is the cat alive or dead?

Your dedication to Steemit is inspirational. I have previously posted (which I am not going to link here, because they're older posts) on what I believe the pressures on the community are.

There have been some recent posts that are dealing with specifics of the present disharmony, and there is action underway to rectify some of them by a rebel faction.

Personally, I have been working almost dawn to dusk all week, and have had very little time to post. Summer is my busy season (construction).

I am trying very hard not to mention the causes at play, since you're intent is to simply ignore the problems and Steem On! I find that a useful strategy, because it produces the content that drives Steemit maximally, and let's them as must handle the business that is in conflict.

OMG... naming names and pointing fingers is soooo hard not to do! LOL I feel like an reformed addict that found a bag of smack.

Anyway, I have to recommend @netuoso's recent posts, because they're very actively meeting the exact requirements of your query. Here's one, and I note several more in the last day or so that are every bit as applicable.

BTW, I do not believe in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Personally I favor de Broglie-Bohm, or as it's been described lately, Pilot Wave theory, which is both consistent with classical physics, and eschews ontological impossibility.

In Pilot Wave theory, the cat is either dead or alive, and we can tell before we open the box. If the box starts making a ruckus after a day or so, the cat is alive. If the box starts smelling horrible after a day or so, the cat is dead.

My own take on the Schrodinger paradox is to put a doggy door on the box, and let the cat exercise it's free will. What does this mean for the elemental particles the cat is a metaphor for? 0_o

I have no idea - and that's just how I like things. Leaves me something to learn!

Dude nice Shroderger reference and as a newb it can suck to not get to much love. At the moment Im just digging the intereaction . P.s: Stix Champion here

Hard knowing what the "norm" is around here, I hope as you said ultimately the content people work hard on will rise to the top and new users will be incentivised to contribute instead of copy/paste 👍🏻

We need more active people making monetary contributions too though, to upvote the good content to make it all worth it. Though it already is compared to posting on Reddit or any similar site. Getting a penny is more than you get there really.

agreed, the problem comes when the content that gets "the penny" isn't that great, or worse yet- stolen- I hope things and people level the system out- I try my best to really only reserve my curation power for posts I think are the best of the best, even though its not worth much- upvoting everything so I can be seen or make a buck doesnt help anyone

Thanks. This gives us newbies some motivation to keep working.

I'm kind of new to steemit but I'm feeling it. And Seeing the same things. I'm thinking it might be where there are so many new people and a lot more content. Hope as steemit grows so do steemians!

I'm kinda new here too. A few months. I think we will pull out of it. It might be partly because of new people. There are lots of new people. So much good content I can't upvote or read it all already and it just keeps growing!

you are.jpg

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