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RE: Steemit Changes: a short animation

in #steemit5 years ago

LOLOLOL, hahahaaaaa, fucking perfect!!!

I started reading the comments of that post....but my eyes rolled so hard they got stuck in the heavenward position. Shit. People are so freaking dumb.


Hehe, I was the same. There was one in particular that was like two years and I am out, powering down out of this shit I was like Wahahhahahahhahahahhahaha

You gotta love it!

I've been watching posts saying WE NEED ADS, SOMETHING's GOTTA CHANGE for months, makes it soooo much funnier when everyone freaks out 😄

Totally!! We need change!! Stuff must happen.



Reactionary people need of some more life experience(aka drama queens with a victim mentality and a sense of entitlement. Yikes.) My stance? Be proactionary or just fucking laugh at the situation you find yourself in :)

Laugh... and laugh hard. Its the only way. I can barely being to imagine getting all frothy at a computer screen because of something on the internets. Unless someone leaked my bum pics again. Thats always annoying

There's a shocker on llfarms's normie guide - 3rd comment on the post at present.

I would issue him some drama but feel he needs a pacifier dipped in dogshit instead!

I will have to look, I don't actually think I follow llfarms!!

The toys are well and truly out of the pram, he sounds so jealous of the resteem. Plonker!

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