A Question Over Coffee--What is the Ratio of Men to Women on steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I've lost count of the number of times I've been referred to as something that suggested the individual writing the comment assumed I was male. One of the latest was a 'sir' instance, which I corrected in bemusement.

After he needlessly apologized (I'm not easy to offend, as my many amazing friends here can tell you--who are predominately guys come to think of it...) he went on to say that steemit has often been referred to as The Wild West of the internet. Apparently if that's an accurate comparison than the ratio of men to women would be about Four hundred to One!

(Seneca Coffee House, recently opened near me, fantastic Costa Rican house blend!-Hey, it's my adorable mom in the window ;)










Does anyone have any actual statistics concerning the male/female ratio? Am I in a deep minority?

Yikes girls, we might be seriously outnumbered here... @surfermarly, another reason for you to return my love, we need the numbers! At least we don't have to smell the testosterone, ha!

**While I'm mildly curious about this, this question is really just for fun ;)

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


I never thought about this until now, but it's safe to say the vast majority of my payouts are female funded! (and I don't just mean @kiwideb)

But most of the women on Steemit seem to be obsessed with arses...

Hahahahaha! Aren't those the new butt cups?

I really don't know.
If I look purely at my following I see that most of the users are male although one of the largest users of this platform is a female.
No offense to anyone but to be honest most of the women I see on this site seem to make better content than their male counterparts haha.
Hopefully the numbers of females grow on this platform and I'm sure it will.

Okay, thank you for that my friend, according to a comment by @cryptonet all of the women are posting about fashion and there are enough women on steemit! Haha, I really had to read that twice!

Of course, he's probably one of the ones mistaking females for males!

Haha, true -- I see women on here posting all sorts of content.

I seem to have a lot of females within my followers/followees, but maybe that's just because of my subjects of interest??? Though from your comments, I'd say that you have more males. It would be really interesting to know the stats.

I'm here! Brand new this week! Aaaannndddd I'm a Lady!


Nice!! Welcome to growing our numbers, haha!

Girl Power!!!!!

((yelled in my pseudo British I'm-a-product-of-the-Spice-Girls-generation accent))

Haha, I could totally hear that accent! :)

..cooffeeshoplooks really nice, can almost smell the coffee...and yes, although i m new here, sure less ladies around here...could be a project that erevryone of us 'acquire' a girl from the neighbourhood..still talked to female friends, lets see..follow you..

Where are our polls!

Good point! I did just learn that there are no female witnesses.... come on, there has to be one techie girl out there to change that, haha!

Hahaha, I'm not sure.

Well I don't think it's as low as 1 Female to 100 males. But it must be somewhere 15 Females to 100 Males. The reason being there a lot of girls/women on Steemit. Daily I get to know a lot of them and mostly posts I upvotes are generally for fashion and accessories posts run by girls. So I think there are enough females on steemit.

Okay, the way you concluded that could be taken a certain way, and I'm pretty sure it was meant to be! And I can promise you that my posts do not include fashion and accessories, ha!

Actually, based on that statement, I'd say it's a safe bet that you would have mistaken me for a guy too, if not for this post. Now I'm wondering, is the reason I'm mistaken for a guy is because I don't post material that shouts 'girl here!' Stereotypes are hilarious.

No I havent mistaken you for a guy. I know very well that you're a girl and by the way I upvotes all type of contents not just girly type. Lol .

Well of course you know I'm a girl, this post made that obvious. However my past posts do not.... my point is that it's possible you have mistaken other women for men if they are not posting about fashion and make up :)

I follow women who post a variety of content, though some women (like me) post in a manner more similar to how we post on social media networks or other blogging sites. So that's a pretty big contrast to all the guys writing about crypto markets, which you see more of on here than on any other platform I've used (understandably).

Do you follow only women ;) I ain't now woman, but you're welcome to enjoy my content too lol :P

I don't discriminate! male, female, robot...

Oh, I have nothing against fashion posts, trust me, I was just a little startled by the stereotype, LOL.

I can understand that, haha I was trying to point out that there's no reason for such a stereotype!

I completely agree. I was just talking to a friend about how the one thing I really love about this site (well the major thing) is that there is so little division. Not class or race...it's truly a beautiful place in that regard, we are all part of one race, the human race, and I've finally found a community that truly gets that :)

That would be a fun statistic to know. I recently came across the profile of @steemit-stats and at the bottom of the latest SteemIt stats, there's a call for anyone looking for a particular stat to include in the comment section.

I've asked our about our 'male to female ratio' question and shared a link to this post. Not sure how they would track this ratio, but it's worth the ask ;)

@steemit-stats replied to my question . . . .
The ratio is weighted heavily towards males.... roughly 8 males, for every 2 females.

HAhahahhahaha, oh this made me laugh. Remember I too thought you were a dude when we first started chatting! Its funny cos now I have no idea how I could think such a thing. I really hope that the numbers are not as low as that. I love having a bevvy of chicas around!! :O)

I do remember LOL, that really has happened a lot. There's a guy in this comment section that actually said most of the women he runs across are writing about fashion and accessories and in his opinion there are enough women on this site! I had to read that twice to be sure he wasn't kidding, haha. I think it's safe to say that he would have mistaken me for a guy in a different post ;)

I don't think they're quite that low, but I definitely do think that there are less women, which honestly makes sense. Even I wouldn't have known about this if it weren't for my crypto husband. Also there are no female witnesses, so there is definitely something to the idea that men are more techie than we are. Actually, I'm not a feminist, there are differences between men and women, we each have our strong points, so what? I honestly love the differences!

There are definitely less women but the ones that are are writing mostly about fashion and such pish. I do not think so. The ones that I notice write some fantastic content and yourself is obviously included there!

Thats quite the point you make. No female witnesses. Well I tell you lady, you have my vote if you ever decide to take the plunge.

You mannish writer that you are ;O)

I have to admit that from what I've seen of witnesses and what they have to do, I wouldn't have the first clue, lol, but thanks for your support, haha!

Mannish writer, hee.

I lol'd when I wrote that. As if.. but it made me laugh. Writing furiously and mannishly away hehe

Well Jared is mannish...hee hee, I'm really giggling now :)

Heh heh! He is!! Ah, the lolz! :0)

I was guilty of the same thing! And, even after I did realize it, I kept referring to @dreemit as "bro" unconsciously haha!


so did I

What did I tell you about great minds? Haha!

The truth is, I sincerely forgot, so if you remember, do let me know

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