My Steemit Mission

in #steemit6 years ago


I could write dozens of pages detailing every little possibility coupled with some random observations and justifications. But the most sincere reality is also the simplest and shortest one: Steemit has become an outlet for my creative writing, doubly because of the monetary rewards (not prioritary, but always nice), and also because of the awesome community that always says something constructive and supportive.

I’ve been writing since middle school, and since those years, a little dream of mine was becoming/being-recognized-as a writer, but years passed and I became my own worst enemy because of my enormous lack of motivation. A mix of self-disappointment, procrastination, nervous doubt and anxiety when showing my work.

I opened 2 blogs before even knowing about Steemit, but while I still like them (and at least one will be updated shortly), it is this blockchain-social thing that has caught my attention. Since I restarted my account about a month and a half ago, I`ve written more than in the whole of the previous year (a lot of stuff I still haven’t posted). All thanks to Steemit and its challenges, it seems that my old dream isn’t dead yet.

That being said, I have plans for this wonderful space. What do I post about?, I started writing articles in Spanish about Dungeons & Dragons as a game, and while that will come again -eventually-, I decided to mix that with my call for writing and focus more on D&D as a social and narrative experience. But that is just a small part of me trying to build a reputation as a writer here, because other narrations and poems will come, as a priority, and they will all reflect a part of my soul, for whatever that may be worth.

How often would I post if I had the Resource Credits?. Ideally, once or twice every day, but realistically (because life and other responsibilities), I can promise -and actually do it without a problem- one or two post a day for 3 days every week. And any middle point between that may also happens.

What value would I bring to the Steemit platform?. Well, that is kind of subjective to be honest, but I can promise writings with a polished aesthetic in mind, always floating around an interesting idea or image that could only be properly explained by literature. Or in simpler words: I would write enjoyable stories, poems and articles, and who doesn’t like those?.


Good entry. I'll let you know when the contest ends.

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