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RE: I paid my rent with Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

That is so awesome, and shows how cryptocurrencies can and will be the way to transact for goods and services. No more middle man. I'm sure your landlord is very smart, he KNOWS steem will gain in value in the future, and I'm quite positive he will be stashing his collected rent STEEM under his mattress.


Exactly. There's also no delay or interest like when you deal with banks. We can take our finances into our own hands, figuratively speaking.

Not just figuratively, but truely. We control the money. Power to the people.

Haha by figuratively, I meant that we can't physically hold the cryptocurrency (i.e. take it into our hands), but you're right, power to the people is real!

Who knows, maybe in the future we'll have cryptocurrencies printed on paper while being backed by the true network value (and not some central bank printing money as they like). Sounds crazy, but who knows. As a matter of fact why not? Could be an idea for the developers to play with. I'm sure THAT would make banks and governments SUPER MAD and declare us outlaws bouahahahah.

There's an idea... then people could trade different coins or crypto notes without having to go through an online marketplace. It could also reduce the need for currency exchange (like USD for euros) when traveling if it caught on