Steem.City Progress: More Screenshots And The 3 Types of Communities You Can Create And Manage In The "City"

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

As promised, here's a little update on the progress I made on the app, along with some explanations about what exactly is.

But before diving into that, here's a screenshot of the neighborhoods admin area, as it is right now (please keep in mind we're in alpha, so things are expected to break and change).

Screen Shot 2017-06-16 at 9.31.11 PM.png

One of the things that is missing in the steemit site (and which is ridiculously easy to implement) is a basic template and theming engine (reddit has it for a long time, so does tumblr). So each neighborhood will have its own header, customizable by the owner. I think having such a basic way to customize the UI is a great incentive for content consumption and, allegedly, for user retention. People tend to spend more time in places they consider their own.

Now, about neighborhoods.

In lingo, a neighborhood is a community of people creating value together and sharing the benefits. There are 3 main types of communities you can create now:

  • equal split
  • sheriff 50%
  • sheriff + deputies

Screen Shot 2017-06-16 at 10.06.49 PM.png

Let's take them one at a time.

Equal Split

All citizens split the rewards equally, on all posts. Each citizen gets the same share from the entire revenue pool.

In this community, all rewards from the posts are split equally among all the members. The more you get, the more you are guaranteed to receive. If the community will make $5000 / week and there are 50 members, then each member will get $100. It's very good for communities which are oriented for a specific topic: books, running, crypto, developers.

Sheriff 50%

Each citizen gets 50% and the rest is split equally among the other citizens. Each citizen gets 50% of his own rewards.

In this community, each member keeps 50% of his proceedings for each post / comment and the rest of 50% is split equally among all the other citizens. So if you are usually making more than the average, you will be somehow in advantage. This type of community may be more suitable for "celebrities", or people already having an audience from other channels (Youtubers, Instagramers).

Sheriff + Deputies

Each author gets 30%, 3 deputies (moderators) get 10% each and the rest is split equally among the other citizens.

In this case, the emphasis is on moderators. Each author keeps 30% of the proceedings, the next 30% is split equally among 3 moderators, and the rest of 40% is split among the remaining members. This type of organization may be more suitable for very "conversational" communities. Moderators won't be able to censor anything, their role will be more likely as entertainers. Sorta like the people in the price channel of the

Why Predefined Models?

If you give people too many choices, you'll confuse them. I decided to start with a pre-configured set of communities because I think the goal should be on creating and sharing value, not on tinkering endlessly with the parameters of the system. It's enough tinkering in the main Steemit community, with all the hardforks and witnesses and so on. Which reminds me, if you want to vote for me as witness, you can do it, I'm currently in the 63rd position.

Alpha Testers

There is a slack room for people who want to test the app, please join it by following this link:

Will post more info in the slack room regarding early access.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

You can also vote for me as witness heren:


What a great project you are working on there Dragosroua. I am also missing the theme especially if it is a community page based on some specific topic. When I click the tag on gaming I would expect a page which looks slightly themed like gamespot or another site like that. Also a clear and in my opinion fair set of reward models that come with it. Good luck with the concept!

Nice one I was also thinking along the same lines when HF17 was up, I liked the 30 day payout and I still do :) I also wish that people could choose where their reward pools went, for instance the steemmag posts could go to the people that brought the articles there, good idea, I'm looking forward to the communities and the community tokens, I heard there is the possibility of everyone here being able to issue their tokens and their rule-sets :)

Excellent project... keep it up with your great efforts!

This has a great deal of promise. I haven't been on here long but can say the only problem that I had with this platform was the decentralization. However, that same issue I have makes it pretty cool because it forces people to step outside of their norm and explore. I look forward to what may come of the community building endeavor.

I'm not sure I understand what you are doing (I catch on slow)..but it sound interesting. I wonder how it will integrate with the monkeysphere? (dunbar's number)

It will integrate nicely. In the alpha stage, there will be a maximum of 50 people in each community, but after that there will be levels, one of them is 150 (the (in)famous Dunbar numbar).

good...thank you.

Wow. At first I though only as an enhanced version of editor, because you mentioned about the medium-style features.

But now only I know it is such a great project with such an inspirational model. :)

That is what "city" means, I guess

Great idea, congratulations! I've seen the proposed tag #introducelocation in this post today and I thought you can find a way to work togheter when the neighbourhoods is literally local too. Congratulations and good luck again!

Good job dude.

That's pretty interesting , what if someone in the neighborhood works more that others and the other people who is not showing the same pace will fairly get same amount?Don't you think that it will start some discussions about "fair equal work rate " ?

There is currently a user rating system, based on: how many posts somebody has posted, how many votes, how many comments, etc. If a citizen fails this test, he is automatically removed from the neighborhood and has to ask again to be included (if he wants, obviously).

But probably there will be some roles people will take, some will post more, as authors, some will comment, some will vote and share, etc.

Oh, now i get it . Thanks for gently explaining me how it is works . This potentially can get huge ! Wish u great launch of this app!

I'm not sure if I understand all of this yet but the parts that I've figured out sound really really good!

If you have questions, feel free to join the alpha channel, I'd be happy to respond.

Thanks, I've just joined

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