Putting Market Snapshot On Hold For The Next Two Weeks

in #steemit7 years ago

Starting tomorrow I'll be officially on holiday from my day job, which means I'll travel. It also means I won't be as available as before with my daily Market Snapshot analysis, so if you're among those waiting for them every day, please don't get alarmed: it's just a temporary thing, until I settle down somewhere.

The holiday is supposed to last about two weeks, hence, the market snapshot hiatus will be just as long - but if I can manage to squeeze in some time I will restart the routine. I don't know abut you, but for me it was a really useful exercise. I've been doing this for more than 100 days in a row and I kinda started to "feel" the markets. Not in the way of predicting them, but more like gauging the actual interest of people in crypto.

It looks we're entering a period of relative calm. I remember that last yer, around this time, the markets were also a bit boring, or overwhelmed, or over stressed, or over whatever. Fact is I remember the first serious bounce was mid-May and during March and April it was kinda gloomy.

I'm not saying this like an excuse for me not doing the market snapshots (like I said, if I find some time, I may start them again) but mostly as an encouragement for those feeling a bit down lately.

There are cycles in everything and we need to make some space in our lives for letting go as well.

The tide will turn, eventually.

Steem on!

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

Wanna know when you're getting paid?

I know the feeling. That's why I created steem.supply, an easy to use and accurate tool for calculating your Steemit rewards

It's free to use, but if you think this is a useful addition, I'd appreciate your witness vote.

Thank you!

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Woohoo!! Holiday time!

Where are you off to? Are you racing?

I just had my most successful race over the weekend and I'm super happy and looking forward to training for the next one now.

I'm likely to start pestering you later on this year about tips and trick to go longer and longer - I'm looking at a 100km race later in the year (if I survive the next one) and if things go really well a 300km race either next year or the year after.

look at what you started!! hehehe

I hope you have a good break and you get to relax lots.

Congrats for the race and really looking forward to hear the details.

As for me, I've been mostly training statically, a lot of yoga lately, which I find very healing and useful, but I've been slowly restarted running and I plan to run even more in this holiday. Stoked by your your progress :) I also plan a 300k this year (I signed up for another 48 hours race in September, so that should do it) which means we can share a lot of strategies and insights.

Good day, Mr. dragosroua. I'm a stranger who found you while learning about steemit

I'll continue on with that, but wanted to invite you to come run with me. Are you, by chance, running the Frostbite 50 this weekend? I hope to be able to photograph some of the course and finishers.

I don't know much about crypto yet. For example, your 'wanna know when you're getting paid?' app looks interesting and useful, but I don't yet know enough about 'promoting' to make an informed decision. Lots to learn here, but I expect if there is any 'pay' for me it will be education. At least that is my highest expectation for awhile.

Since I am aiming to learn something about trail-running, and steemit, I also thought it would be worthwhile to invite you to come along for that, too. I have some ideas about training, which I wouldn't mind chatting about, but I want to get more of my own thoughts edited, before I risk saying them 'out loud' :)

A sincere thanks for creating the information/intro content, by the way.

Thanks for that. My race report is here - https://steemit.com/sports/@trevor.george/the-triple-peaks-challenge-2018-race-report

I'll put a video up as well once I get it done.

I've thought about doing yoga, but I just can't seem to find the time to get into it.

A 48 hour race sounds interesting. The one i'm interested in is a 7 day stage race in the South Island - Alps 2 Ocean.

I don't think I'll be strong enough to do it next year, so I may have to wait until 2020. But it certainly looks fun.

Where is your 48 hour race?

Oh! We will miss those market updates... enjoy your holidays @dragosroua

Have a good trip and enjoy your rest from the cryptomarket !
You are right is such a boring these days...

Will miss you market snap shot, have great time in your holiday

Enjoy in you holiday and find some time to share photos and stories with us :)

Oh. Two weeks. I guess we have to make do with the info we can get within that period. Thanks.

Would definitely miss you, have been following you up every day for abkut 2 weeks now. Wish you a nice holiday and cant wait to have you back

Wow. I always look forward to that daily market snapshot, but what can I say? I wish you all the best in your travel. Enjoy yourself man. We'll be here to get it back whenever you are able to return to it.

Hey buddy have a nice trip.. Sometimes we need time to relax.. Dont forget steemit .. cheers

Enjoy your holiday! I hope you'll write about your travel adventures.

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