5 Natural Causes for Negative Sentiment Towards Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Ever since I joined this community, less than 3 months ago, I was surprised by the constant polarization manifesting at almost every level of Steemit: in some articles, in the chat, in posts on other social media platforms or even in direct conversations with other members.

On one side there are the enthusiasts, those pumped up by the novelty of the project, by the price of Steem, by the potential of the community, and on the other side there are the pessimists, the naysayers, the frustrated.

For a while, I didn't understand the reason for the frustrated side. And, for a while, I took a strong position and drew a fence between "my side" - the optimist side, that is - and "the other side". But as I spent more time here and as I read more and more pessimistic articles, I realized the causes for the frustrated side were not only real, but also natural.

In this article I'll try to depict my own interpretation of the causes for the negative sentiment towards Steemit. Wether you are an optimist or a pessimist, I urge you to read until the end.

1. Fear of New and of Uncertainty

As repressed as it may be, this fear is a general human bias. We, humans, don't play well with novelty. Nor with uncertainty. And Steemit is way too young, as a project, to be predictable. It's something that has never been done before. So no one really knows if this will work out or not. But then, again, so was the case with Twitter or Facebook. In the very early days of any profoundly disruptive project, being it Instagram or Uber, no one really knew if it will work out or not, and the innate reaction of rejection was very strong. People naturally like certainty and Steemit is everything but certain at this point of its existence.

2. Natural Competition Reaction

As young as it is, Steemit works. And it works in a niche plagued by hype, volatility and underdelivery. Look for instance at projects like Synereo, which, as hyped as it was, broke before its launch. Or "fixing reddit with Bitcoin", which has a very good intention, but never really took off. In such an ecosystem, any project that will function, even if it does it just as a proof of concept (and in many ways Steemit is just a proof of concept), will generate strong reactions from competition. It may not come directly from competition, but from fans of competition in various media outlets, it's the same thing.

3. Expectations from Users, Set Too High

To the moon, right? Let's see the price of Steem rising up to the moon. And let's see it now, please! Expectations are the root cause of disappointment, generally speaking. In the case of Steemit, a certain part of users are setting up really high expectations. They compare Steemit with Facebook, which in my opinion is completely wrong, not only in terms of size or market share, but also in terms of the dynamics of the community. People in Steemit are producing content for different reasons and with different rewards. More expectations = more disappointment.

4. Generalization from Narrow Focus

Steemit is a very complex project: it’s a cryptocurrency, it’s a social media website, it’s a governance experiment, it’s a blockchain that can host other tokens and economies. When some of the parts are going “down”, like the price of cryptocurrency, for instance, the tendency is to expand that sentiment towards the entire ecosystem. Sometimes a part will function better than the other, that's just natural. In July, for instance, the price worked better than the adoption. Now the adoption is better than in July, but the price is lower. Because it’s such a complex mechanism, Steemit will always have some parts that are going better and some parts that are going worse than the rest. But this shouldn’t expand to the whole system.

5. Conspiracy Bias

A lot of content on Steemit is about conspiracy, anarchism and so on. Decentralization and lack of censorship brought up a certain type of content which is not so visible on other platforms (specifically because of censorship, most of the time). In a bizarre way, this lack of censorship backfires. The same people who are using Steemit as an uncensored medium for their warnings towards the end of the world (real or imaginary, that’s something I don’t really know) are voicing their concerns towards Steemit itself. I find this quite amusing, to be honest.

As you can see, all these causes are natural. And none of them is really set in stone or strong enough to lead to the extinction of the platform.

But the negative sentiment is still there, so, the natural question is: when will Steemit recover from this? Will it ever recover?

To be honest, I have no idea. The project is so new, so unusual and still so fragile, that everything can happen. It may explode next month, or it may collapse.

One thing I learned during my own entrepreneurial adventures is that the future cannot be predicted. It doesn't work like that. I mean, it's fun to stand up, say something about the future and then, if that thing actually happens, look over everybody's heads and shout: "I told you so!". That's just childish.

A much more realistic approach towards the future is to actually build it. That works better than predicting it, as in "it has more chances to work out than just pure luck".

The causes for negative sentiment towards Steemit are natural because toxicity, in itself, is part of life. It's just out there and you can't just hope it will go away, just because you want it. You have to adjust, somehow.

A virus that gets into your body is not "bad" by itself. It's a living creature, just like you. And like every living organism, if you want to survive, you have to come to terms, somehow, with that virus.

All those negative reactions described above, are not "bad" by themselves, they are natural.

Steemit, as any other young organism, has to face the world. It's an immunization process. Those of you who have children will understand what I mean. At the end of this immunization process, Steemit will emerge more powerful, more stable, more lucid.

But until then, you have a choice. As a part of this organism, you can choose to be on the side of the toxicity, or on the side of the immune system.

I personally choose to be a part of the immune system and do whatever I can to maintain the health of the whole ecosystem.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

You can also vote for me as witness here:


I like the exploration into human behaviour. I have been around the block a few times. I was one of the first 100,000 accounts on Twitter. On LinkedIn it was 70,000 and on Google+ I got a beta invite from one of my colleagues who joined there and was in the first 10,000. I certainly remember the early skeptical days on each platform. I certainly saw major changes as each platform found its natural base. For Steemit we have one important difference to all those others (Facebook included). Anyone who holds Steem and who has Steempower actually has ownership in the success or failure. We owe it to ourselves to do what it takes.

I coined a phrase a day or two ago. It applies here as much as anywhere

Ideas are the cradle of success. Getting the job done makes the winners.

Let's get it done.

For Steemit we have one important difference to all those others (Facebook included). Anyone who holds Steem and who has Steempower actually has ownership in the success or failure. We owe it to ourselves to do what it takes.

Spot on!

An enthusiast, a builder and certainly belong in the immune system. Steem on!

The pessimists and naysayers make life interesting most times...they are needed in the eco system ;)

Butofcors :)

My faith wavers from time to time.
Sometimes I think the sky is the limit and other times I think its falling apart.

What a rollercoaster.
Whatever it becomes I'm not wearing my seatbelt.
Nice post

Thanks! It's a bit like life, that rollercoaster, isn't it? Unpredictable and ever surprising...

Love your analogy at the end about immunity and toxicity. I think it fits well with what you described in the post.

Great post. Personally I am still new to Steemit but my experience has been I find it quite inspiring. It's gotten me to think about a lot of things in different ways and come up with some really good ideas.
Strap in I can't wait to see where this goes, I get the feeling its going to be one hell of a ride!!!

Its possible this sentiment, like you referred to in point 4, is me being carried away by other events today. Have you seen the bitcoin price today?

Thanks. Yes, Bitcoin price is going up and it's relatively easy to get carried on when you see something like this. As far as I know, this happens because in China things are starting to get shaky. A lot of Chinese money are getting into Bitcoin, because the national currency is becoming weaker. This is both good and bad. It's good because the price of Bitcoin goes up, but it's bad because a significant part of the Bitcoin network can end up being controlled by a government. But we shall see.

Interestingly a lot of the trading is on American Exchanges today according to coimparketcap. Here is some analysis I have done on this. It could be also Chinese people using American exchanges or speculators?

Hard to tell. I'm not a specialist in Bitcoin, but I do know a lot of mining farms are in China. Exchanges may have now bigger volumes in US but the farming, and subsequently, the functioning of the network, is done in China.

Really nice article . I am in and out for various reasons but always feel inspired, still love this plat form and wish it will go on better and stronger every day

There will always be naysayers and doomsday people (at least until doomsday). Sometimes it pays to listen to them because they have a point. But most of the time they are just griping, because that's the way they are.

It's an open platform, everyone is welcome, even the ones we don't want to listen to, or disagree with.

I'm sure there are a bunch of people that wish I'd shut the hell up, with my happy, positive, glass is half full of really nice wine attitude.

There is a saying - All the people are odd except me and thee, and even thee can be a little odd at times.

Didn't know that saying, very funny :)

A mate of mine used to say that to me all the time- mostly when I had done something, well,.... odd. :-)

Great post! Although I disagree about Steem being fragile. I think it's incredibly robust and doesn't need to 'recover' from negative sentiment. It works and it's utility is so incredibly powerful that with so many people around the world who can benefit from participating on it, the naysayers will very rapidly become Irrelevant...perhaps they are already. Many people do not understand Steem yet but that doesn't change the strength, resilience and necessity of its architecture, governance, accessibility and utility. Steem is. There are enough people on this planet who care about integrity to ensure that Steem thrives. There is simply a lag in comprehension. Most critical systems our society rely upon have the appearance of robustness but are in fact fragile....as we are all finding out. Steem has the appearance of fragility but is in fact robust. The Steem price can go as low as it likes whilst all this comprehension stuff resolves itself. As long as the price never goes low enough to completely break the economics...which I think is highly unlikely...a low price only helps decentralise the Steem and making Steem ever more robust.

Very much agree with the last sentence. It's a good time for people to access the currency, to buy Steem. Once we'll get under a certain level of "whale dominance", meaning once there will be a more evenly distributed liquidity, very interesting things will happen and will happen very fast.

Well said! I think a certain amount of criticism / negativity is just a natural part of the human condition no matter what aspect of life you are talking about. Be it politics, sports, this project or that project, there will always be the naysayers. And that old expression, "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger", applies quite well here. Ultimately, Steemit will emerge stronger and better than ever for having allowed such uncensored critical discussions to take place (your analogy to an immunization process is quite apt). Just shrug it off, don't take offense, and do what you can to see things from the other guy's point of view when possible. I personally prefer to be an optimist. It's early days still, and the future is bright!

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