2017 Was An Interesting Year...

in #steemit7 years ago

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 7.00.52 PM.png

And that's exactly the number of followers I have right now. Thank you all, by the way, appreciate it :)

I thought this was a nice coincidence and I wanted to document it somehow, hence, the screenshot.

2017 is far from being over but it had already a big impact on my day to day life. I completely changed my social circle, my job and I have a very different outlook in life. These changes came with a bit of turmoil and quite fast and unexpected, but, eventually, they were for the good. I am still experiencing these changes and I think they are also far form being over, but the difference between this moment and the beginning of the year is just overwhelming.

And since I got here, I have a small question:

How is 2017 for you so far? Any major events? Any changes? For good? For bad?

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Congrats. I am not going to unfriend you, or you move back to 2016:) 2017 has been a year of stagnation for me. A kind of in limbo feeling. But, 2017 is far from over:)

Yes, it's far from over. Keep it up :)

2017 does seem o be a year for making things happen huh?

Well done one the changes you are working through this year. It's good to hear that these are positive changes and you feel you are on the right path.

The first half of the year was a huge one for me:
started running
ran my first marathon
ran my first ultra marathon
I finally have enough work on that i can pay the rent, buy food, start to pay off some debt and maybe soon, have some left over to play with
Learning lots about my health, diet etc

The second half of 2017 is looking even better ;-)

I should have enough work to last the rest of the year
I'm about to sign up for my second ultra marathon
I have a bunch of RUNCOIN, and I'm looking forward to earning some more
I'm about to dip my toe into making videos
If I can squeeze in enough time, I hope to publish my second book by the end of the year.

So 2017 is working out pretty well for me. I think I'll look back on this year and see it as the year things started to really change for the better.

I hope everyone else gets that same vibe - life is good, get out there and enjoy it

Thanks for sharing that, it feels good to learn about other people's journeys. Congrats on starting to pay out debt, that was also a major thing for me and I'm the same situation.

Darn, it feels good to take that burden off, isn't it? :)

it feels good to take that burden off,

It will do once it is gone ;-)

I hate being in debt, and now I'm well in over my ears. Some of it is good though - like car payments. I get a nice new car and the payments are quite low, and the free servicing covers the interest. So that's not too bad.

but the credit card debt has to go. We needed it to pay dental bills, so having it available was good. But I still don't like it hanging over me.

It kind-of stops me from looking forward because I'm always focused on trying to get rid of it (if that makes any sense)

But, I do feel that 2017 has been a good year so far, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it ;-)

2017 has been great..i did get suspended from work recently but have managed to parlay it into a nice little forced vacation without having to liquidate any investments..could have been worse!

Congrats for fencing it well :)

Congratulations! 2017 has been a great year so far..... I retired!

Are you serious? How come?

It's time to step back and smell the roses. I'm looking for something part time, but not in a hurry! I hope you have a great day!


Thank you!

Congratulations on your followers...


Congrats on a nice number of followers. I have also changed my life a lot since the beginning of the year. A totally different lifestyle and I'm happy I did all the things that I did. So many changes I can't believe it myself :D

Congrats, then :)

Nice post @dragosroua sir, congrats to you reaching 2017 followers, year 2017 so far is pretty good to me, i join steemit in june 2017 and so far my journey in steemit is good before that i spend my lot's of time on facebook and playing games but on steemit i really enjoy reading posts of remarkable authors all over the world i gained lots of knowledge about crypto through steemit and i also happy to be one of your follower.

Thank You 4 Sharing Dragos... have enjoyed Your daily posts & believe I've upvoted almost all of them... >> : ~ ))

AND YES... I've experienced some incredibly Good Changes in my life, not least of which, a 10 fold increase in my portfolio value in less than 4 months...

However I spend so much time monitoring my portfolio that I've not written as many posts as perhaps I should... but do try to write as many comments as possible...

Congratulations on 2017 Followers... that's incredible !!

Well done Sir...

Cheers !!

10 fold increase in my portfolio value in less than 4 months...

That's amazing! Congratulations :)

Congratulations on 2017 followers @dragosroua
I'm glad that I was able to one of them
2017 has been an amazing year, especially with me finding out about steem.

2017 has been better than 2016 and 2015 for me. I've actually made some money from Steem. Due to the policies of our government employment for me otherwise is almost impossible. Actually having a bit of disposable income is a welcome change.

That's so good to hear! Congrats! :)

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