Eyes On The Minnows : Episode 2

in #steemit8 years ago

Steemit Minnows Worth Checking Out

As promised two weeks ago, I am doing another episode of Eyes On The Minnows, just so people can be aware of Steemit Minnows that have quality art, writing, causes, etc. I want to see people continuing to press forward, even when they are not yet making money and don't have a following generated, because I know the power of this concept behind Steemit.com, and the potential it has for artists and content creators.

There's no guarantee anyone's art or content will be considered valuable in the market. But for those willing to:

- stay flexible in their approach

- continue sharing different things with/experimenting in the Steemit community

- learn its functionality and how to optimize it

...Steemit is a huge world of fantastic possibility, I really do believe that.

I have noticed not all of these artists have posted just recently (in the last few days), so I think maybe some promotion might be good inspiration for them. I know promotion was inspirational for me.

{Thank you to @kennyskitchen for promoting my work at one point, that was so motivating!}



Anyways, back to the point. I have found that doing grocery shopping can be long and not a lot of fun... and on top of that, it's expensive!

However, there is a solution for that. There is an app I found called "Flipp".

I am not sure how long this app has been around but it is new to me. Basically, the app works by finding you the best prices on things you already want to buy. You just download the app, and then enter your grocery list. The app then automatically does a search of all the grocery stores in your area and finds you the best price and location for whatever you are looking for. This can be a great way to save money!



Taking criticism seriously doesn't mean that we need to take it personally, just because someone might have something to say about an area of weakness in our life doesn't mean that we are not valuable as an individual. Being open to embracing feedback from others throughout our life journey is going to enable us to enhance our ability for further achievement in life.

It also helps to make us approachable to others, because they can relax in knowing that if they ever have something negative-leaning to say, they know that the individual isn't going to respond by running away or cutting off ties. Learning how to be open to criticism helps us essentially learn how to get along better with others.



I only got into hand-drawn animation as a filmmaker when I was 21. I made a short film for a visual arts class in University just to experiment with the medium. But I fell in love with it and almost every film I've made since then has been animated.

I'm 24 now. My career in/passion for serious animation has only been a part of my life for three and a half years. But when I look back at my childhood it seems like I've been working toward this the whole time:

  • I've been drawing since before I could talk
  • I made my first hand-drawn animation at 7
  • When I was 13 I made a Lego stop-motion short
  • In my early teenage years I experimented with claymation
  • In my later teens I learned about 3D animation



After reading @seafood 's great article the other day (found here) about a program he wrote to display numbers. I felt inspired to show some other interesting ways you can lay out numbers. This is one of my favorites and here's how it works.

Clock Arithmetic.

Making a pattern like this is actually quite simple, I started with a series of points spread round in a circle then started drawing straight lines between them doubling the number of the point so

1 goes to 2,
2 goes to 4,
3 goes to 6 and so on.
When you get to a number higher than the number of points then just like a clock you keep counting round.

Basically, the reason 15:00 hours is 3 o'clock is because we use what's called the Modulo operator. What happens is you divide 15 by 12 (the number of points) and use the remainder which is 3, the same rule applies here in the picture but I made a lot more than 12 points.

You really can see this shape in a cup of tea, maybe you already have, I hope after reading this seeing it will make you think of your two times table. :)

Weird Fractals.

The program isn't limited to just one multiplication table though and I made the number of points modifiable too so after a bit of playing following all the same rules here's the 72 times table mapped with 129,600 points.



Politicians and pundits from both major political parties are arguing about creating more jobs. Democrats typically brag about how many jobs they've created. Republicans, who at least in their rhetoric, are not a fan of government creating jobs, criticize the Democrats for this by stating that, "government's role is not to create jobs." What does seem to be missing from the conversation is that creating jobs is not synonymous with increasing overall living standards and improving people's lives. The engine of economic growth is not jobs, but saving and investment in capital goods (in industries of which people voluntarily demand).



As much as I love language, and the bridges and possibilities it creates, it is still mighty limited.
Like scooping the ocean... with a shot glass. Or thimble.
So I use words as best I can, and as precisely as possible.
And I also take poetic liberties, and have fun with metaphors.
We can use words to make small, rigid boxes.
And we can use words to make launchpads to limitlessness.
I prefer, and strive for, the latter.
It's not intellectual laziness.
It's creative ambition.
Add one part child's wonder, plus one part adult's wisdom.
Shake or stir. Serve over ice. Cheers!



Our past doesn't define us and our future isn't yet defined. All we have control over is what we do in the moment right now. If there's anything you wish to achieve, the power to do so rests in your hands. A hard fact which usually gets buried under excuses, other problems and laziness.



The same people who told me it wasn't worth my time to go to school for English are now trying to convince me that going to South America to become a shaman might be a mistake, and I should just go back into the medical field to ensure the safety of my finances. Eight years ago, I would have listened to them. But this time, I actually believe in myself. I believe that my goals are extremely attainable, no matter how far out they might seem to others. I believe that if I were to listen to the ones who want me to take the conventional road to nowhere, I would not only cut myself short, but the world short.

It doesn't matter how long it takes to discover your true potential. It takes life experience to know yourself, your passions, and where you are heading. This is why it is so absurd that government-funded schools start pushing careers on children at age six. People have to figure that out on their own, and it could take longer than eighteen years. As George Harrison sings, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." Could you imagine what intelligent and creative entrepreneurs we would have if this concept was taught in school?



This was my first arrest, and I know I was facing more time than anyone else in there was, even violent criminals. This was John's second arrest for marijuana, although he faces more time now then he did the first time. It wasn't just the charges, it was where we got them and the attitude of the people we were dealing with. The only thing a lawyer was able to accomplish for us was bail, and he barely managed that. These people seemed hell bent on making an example of us, probably partially due to the fact that the drug task force agent who arrested us had attended my Students for Sensible Drug policy meetings undercover back in college.



The Bitcoin.com Bus Tour

Tour Sponsors Include: Bitcoin.com, Dash.org, ShapeShift.io, Shire Society, LRN.fm, Nova-Om.com, BitMain Tech, Brave New Books, TheHomestead.guru, Cell411 and Liberty Stickers.

Remember, if I said I would feature you and I haven't yet, it's just because my list is growing fast, and I am keeping each Eyes On The Minnows episode to 10 users featured. You'll likely get your chance if you post regular, valuable content!


Thank you for the feature! I hope my post can help people save some money! :)

You are welcome! Thanks for being on Steemit!

I posted this story today about an adventure I had with my stepson... see what you think:


I upvoted and followed you, your posts are great. :)

Thank you very much, I'm going to take a look at your stuff as well :)

This is a good initiative. Hope that I can be included in your list one day. I write on mostly motivational and inspirational articles drawing especially on my experiences with my autistic son.

Am honored and grateful to be included in your "Eyes On The Minnows," @dragonanarchist! Thanks so much for the feature :-)

I followed you because of this post and I'm happy I found you!

I'm so jazzed to hear that, @onetree! Thanks :-) Have followed ya back.

Thanks for the love!!!

Good quality post, i agree with it. If you find the time could you check out my trailer for my mini podcast show? Thanks! working my way up the minnow train!


Thank you so much for doing this for people and featuring us!

Anyone interested our current active post has 18 hours left https://steemit.com/gardening/@lily-da-vine/the-devil-s-weed-taught-me-how-to-grow-the-devil-s-fruit

Thanks for the shout-out.

:D :D I'm so honoured!

I know a few of the users on this list and they make great stuff. I'm going to check out sure of the others that I don't know.

Great way to get to know quality minnows!! Thanks

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