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RE: Steemit is not just about the money

in #steemit6 years ago

You know, I've never flagged anyone. I think I only ever got a few weird spam comments on my posts and when I did I just said, politely, don't do that here people will get mad and often they apolgized and even thanked me and never came back.

I'm so small here, though, I mean I don't even know if I'm a minnow yet, so it probably isn't as apparent to me. I'm also so OLD school that I dont autovote or antyhing I just self vote and curate. That's mainly because I love steemit in the sense that it feels like the 'old internet' like early 2000s with blogger and such. I like to read what people are doing or look at their cool art and leave a comment and vote and move on. I realize that is sort of dumb maybe, as I do miss people sometimes for a few days as they might get lost in the shuffle. Yet, each morning I look forward to going through my list of people I like to read and finding new people thorugh them usually through the comments. I'm not sure people really realize the power of the comment section, but I digress.

I guess I'm just of the opinion that wherever human beings gather there will be black and cheek and pick pockets and scoundrals. I just try to ignore them because sometimes it seems whenever people have decided to pay attention to them and to make a place 'safe from them' the people who are not doing bad get ignored or put upon. They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Now, I am not saying what you are doing is bad, in fact I commend you for it. I am probably far too selfish to even go to the effort to route out the baddies, I just ignore them and move on. That is probably not the best attitude.

I suppose I might be reaping the benefits of others efforts to control them, but again I use this platform in such an odd way that I never really go to the latest or trending feeds. I keep a list of those I've come to like and when I find people through them I book mark them and that's my old school way, which is maybe why I don't see all the bad stuff.

I also write far too long comments, so there you go, I've said nothing and done it with far too many words :) But, you do what you think is good for steemit as it is truly noble that you do do it for the good of the platform. I'm not sure, though, that we won't always have such things. Mostly because I can't think of anything anywhere that has ever been a place without that type of person/spammer/griefer/troll/baddie/parasite et al. But, that is not to say there won't ever be such a place and it's good of people like you to work towards it. Sorry about this long comment :/

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