Fixed Income?

in #steemit7 years ago

Before I joined Steemit, I was existing on a fixed income. Specifically I was thankful to be on Social Security Disability "SSD". SSD is a program that is now referred to by the media as an entitlement. It is thrown into the same bucket as 'welfare', 'medicare', 'medicade', and all other federal and state government programs to support the poor. Living in this bucket makes a guy feel dirty. a1drjohnthumb.JPG

Other than the socially slimy feeling you live with, the problem with a fixed government income is it does not keep up with inflation. Inflation used to mean the ever increasing costs of living. To solve this problem the government created C.O.L.A. This annual cost of living adjustment is calculated on a 'basket' of goods and services required to survive. It does not work. The problems would require lots of other blog posts describing the failure of government systems. I prefer not to swim in that swamp.

The answer to this side of the problem is Peanut Butter. By eating cheap food and eliminating other costs, you can get along with a fixed income. I now cut my own hair. I avoid the luxury of eating out. I try not to leave my house to shop by relying on home delivered products. The cost of delivery is less than the costs of owning personal transportation.

Did I mention living on a fixed income sucks?

Today, I am thankful for the other solution for a fixed income. That solution is to make income with Steemit. Steemit requires no cash investment. It only requires time and persistent creative effort. That i can do.

As inflation bites, Steemit provides future income growth to soothe the pain. I hope to eventually eliminate my dependence on government programs entirely. I like the native American Indians have learned that the Great White Father speaks with forked tongue. This means that governments lie and break their promises. I must not remain dependent on government promises.

As the price of Steem rises, I can begin to feel the freedom Steemit offers. I can imagine life without peanut butter.

Here is today's beauty.



haha.....steemit has worked in a similar way for me as well....
nicely presented and thanks for sharing..... :)

good cook...
and happy for you to feel this way in steemit...
it really is supportive of content providers and creative minds..
hope we can keep in touch...
actually I bought an external hard drive yesterday, just by steemit payouts...I couldn't believe someday that I can have such a straightforward income from such a great website..

best of lucks and happy new year

I don’t think you need to feel guilty, but it certainly feels nice to not need it, and to go out sometimes.

I was just thinking about how crypto is helping to pull me out of the scarcity mindset I grew up in. Even if it were to all crash down, at least my months here have taught me that anything is possible, things are changing all the time, and perhaps in our favor.

I am happy for you that you will become more independent of the government. Your comparison with peanut butter brought a smile to my mouth!

We are very similar to you, I also came to Steemit in order to find additional income that will help me in the implementation of my goals. So I understand you perfectly. Good luck to you.

Мы с Вами очень похожи, я тоже пришел на Steemit для того чтобы найти дополнительный доход, который поможет мне в осуществлении моих целей. Так что я Вас прекрасно понимаю. Удачи Вам.

Good post, @doctorjohn

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I also hate that fixed income sir

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