
You’re a fucking moron.

there is no need to be rude . this blockchain does not belong to you or that girl and you have no right to terrorise anybody

A downvote isn’t “terrorizing.”

How do you feel about someone leaving days worth of comments harassing and calling people names? Do you excuse that while you bitch and moan about my downvotes of said person?

Consider the position you’re putting yourself in before you try to act self-righteous and whine about being “terrorized.” You’re bullshit game isn’t going to work on me.

but according to him she starded the brawl so let her deal with it . I did not see him harrasing anyone else

Giving a downvote isn’t “starting a brawl.” The response - harassing her for days - is what earned the flags from me.

Now I’m done explaining this. If you want to remain ignorant and try to rationalize the douchebaggery, I have plenty of downvotes to spread around. The choice is yours.

I think you are making mistake here but whatever

Are you sure you want to go down this road?

Maski started hasassing me weeks ago already, he only came to my posts to talk shit to me, even when I said that he shouldn’t read my blog if he doesn’t like it. When I finally had enough and flagged both his comment and his only active post, he went full retard and left both me and my followers, very rude and ridiculous comments. And if you want the proof, it’s all in the blockchain, that is how this works. So do your research before you believe that idiot. He got what he was asking for and my harm to him was maybe 0.6 dollars in total. I can do a lot worse if this keeps going on.

Hey,’s not your money.

The pending rewards you receive on a post here only become “yours” once the voting period closes on the post and the rewards are then available for you to claim. Learn how the fucking system works, jackass.

And you’re not going to get either 1 or 2, it appears.’re willing to destroy the rep of all of your accounts over a $0.40 downvote? Talk about a psycho...

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