How Can You Make Success on Steemit - 5 Steps

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Steemit is a business network that has different types of users (investors and businessmen, blockchain developers, professional writers and bloggers and others). There are two ways to rank, one is how much money you make daily, and the other is your reputation. Your reputation depends on SBD traffic on your posts and comments and after several levels, it becomes more difficult to reach the next level. Each of us wants to have more money and have a better reputation, there are several ways of work that I want to introduce to you.

-1. Become an investor
Invest in Steem Power because in this way you are gaining profit and attracting attention from other users. Now the value of Steem is very small and we expect each moment that the value starts to grow, this may be the best investment moment. If the Steem value remains the same, then your earnings are the same, if the value of Steem jumps then your earnings are enormously large. Now ( Steem value is $0.80 ) with 10,000 Steem Power, you can give yourself about 0.70 SBD per one UPVOTE. If the Steem value is $ 10 then your voting power is 12 times higher, which means you can give yourself about 8.5 SBD. The voting power is restored to 2.4 hours, which means that you can give 100% of your vote 10 times a daily. Your 10,000 Steem Power earnings are about 7 SBD per day or 210 SBD per month. The value of one SBD is about $ 1, which means you can earn $ 210 a month. If the Steem value jumps to $ 10, that means you earn 70 SBD - $ 70 a day, but that's not true. When Steem was $ 8 then SBD was about $ 16, which means you can earn about $ 700 to $ 1,000 a day with 10,000 Steem Power. In this way, your reputation grows much faster, but I know it's not easy to invest money if you do not have it. Invest as much money as you can and reinvest what you earn.

-2. Start to establish good relationships with successful bloggers and investors from Steemit.
The beginning of communication is in comments, select your favourites from trending or hot lists (follow them) and start writing honest and creative comments. Choose bloggers who write topics that you like, then read their posts to the end and give your sincere opinion. Writing comments is art, you have to be creative, honest and original. The goal is to establish good relationships, in the long run, so write comments every day on all blog posts from your list. Your comment is the same as for advertisements, the more you get outs, you have more chances to raise the attention of bloggers. Be persistent and answer each answer, start commenting with the username of the blogger and end with gratitude. Make your plan and choose as many bloggers as you can follow, after a certain time if you do not have a reward from certain bloggers (on your comments or posts) then remove them from the list and choose other bloggers instead. Be persistent and active every day, it's a formula of success that will take you to the top.

-3. Make excellent posts, first pick an excellent title that attracts attention and then let your content match the title.
The name is the first part of your post that has to be the best, if it does not cause attention to other users then you do not have another chance for the same post. If I make a title -" Love provokes envy " - it's not bad, but it can make a better title - " Why does love cause an envy more powerful than drugs? ". It's good to start studying bloggers on websites because in this way you get the inspiration to write an excellent title and post. Today, 99% of successful bloggers are just some kind of copy from other bloggers or a modified personal version. Writing is a science and you must devote serious time if you want to become a successful blogger. Separate each day for 1 hour to read blogs online and your posts on Steemit will become much more attractive.

Image Source:

-4. Choose tags that are trendy on Steemit.
Naturally, the tags must match the topic you are writing about because everything else is not correct. Users often search well-known tags, it's your chance to find and reward you. I know that at the beginning it's very difficult for your posts to be rewarded, so you need to be persistent and write every day. This is your commercial, you build a brand from yourself and that's why it's important to create quality posts.

-5. Participate in competitions and challenges, and you can make your own competition.
Be active and participate in everything that suits you, so you get new friends and followers. You can win some prizes, you can also make your own competition, but be original, not copies. In this way, you increase your visibility and the number of users who are following and rewarding you. Each of these details I have to focus on is one point - you build a brand from yourself and establish new friendships. Good communication is 85% of every business, this is the most important part that should be your biggest goal in life and careers. Steemit is a great business school that teaches you how to establish good business communication and partnerships. Every school is paid with money and time, every experience you get is the real knowledge that is worth it if you apply it in practice.


See you on the top @dobartim
We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools discord channel


Hi @dobartim this post is very much useful for the beginners in steem platform. You have put in lot of efforts to explain step by step in easy language which is nice. Good work sir. I always like all your posts and read thoroughly. Undoubtedly this one is also same and full of knowledge. Have a great weekend.

Posted using Partiko Android

See you on the top

Every of your posts is always a reassurance that following you is never a waste of time or resources. The Lecturer of Teachers. Thanks for yet another brain builder. Great job Boss!

Thank you for your nice words

Excellent tips. As someone who has been writing blogs since 2006, I can vouch for this list. These are all great suggestions.

Thank you very much

Very insightful @dobartim this post should help a lot of minnows, thanks for posting this.

You are welcome, see you at the top

This post was upvoted by @steemybot, Send at least 0.01 STEEM or SBD and get an upvote. Join my discord server for free weighted upvoting for each post, just put the command !upvote before the web address of the post and you will get a free upvote within 2 mins.

@steemybot our mission is to support high quality posts which will raise the value of the STEEM Blockchain.

Thank you for great support

Thanks sir sharing this valuable information and I hope I'm follow this all stapes .


Posted using Partiko Android

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