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RE: Don't Be Afraid to Downvote!

in #steemit8 years ago

It doesn't have to make enemies if people don't take it so personally. I think it is good to establish audiences and for people to know the values you stand for by downvoting posts you find offensive / objectionable.

Being afraid to downvote is the same as being afraid to post for fear of making an enemy. Both are important for the platform to survive long term.


you should downvote spam and something that was stolen from another user not something you took in the open internet... that's my view we all have our own opinions but if we don't agree should we fight for it cuz we have different thoughts different opinions?? i don't think so i would just let it go and mind my own business... also thats the thing some people take it personal especial if there is money involved :) the last thing you will know is that guy keeps down voting all your posts for absolute no reason i seen it that's why i am saying this.. now imagine if he is to crazy and he builds his steem power than he will be a problem for you cause you will be fighting a battle you cant win.... i seen some post that went viral and than there is a giant whale canceled all the profits from 800 to like 100 .... now if that happens to me ill be upset :) and i think you also will be upset especially if its for no reason... just cause he did not like your post :) see where i come from... ignoring someones post you don't like is the best way...! you don't hurt anybody neither yourself.... but downvoting someone just cause you don't like his post its like you don't want him to make money than that's where it gets personal i up vote your post cause i like them and some i don't i just ignore i don't downvote but imagine someone else who is doing the same thing you wrote in your post it can backfire and than the last thing you know the steem community starts getting ugly... my father always told me people who bully you or don't like you just ignore them don't do the same as they are doing... because than you will be equal lvl with them.... hope you get my point :)

So here you're openly advocating plagiarising anything you find on the open Internet. That is so fucked up on so many levels.

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