Did you know it ? - Part 2

in #steemit6 years ago


  1. When we coughing we expel the air at more than 140 km / h 
  2. We usually blink about 15 times every minute
  3. The thickest artery we have (aorta) has a diameter of 2.5 cm. The thickest vein (cava) measures the same. 
  4. We born with 300 bones and we die with 206 
  5. The smallest bone we have is the stirrup, with 3 mm length
  6. We produce about 1 liter of saliva a day 
  7. We have enough fat content in the body to make 10 bars of soap. 
  8. Each person generates their own smell. However the twins smell the same. 
  9.  Freckles is an area of ​​our body with excess melanin
  10. Throughout the day we lose close to 100 hair on the head 



Good to know, thanks for sharing

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