Steemit - You Can Be Virtuous and Still Create Monetary Wealth

in #steemit7 years ago


Once money was based on something tangible. No longer. It is a faith based system (It reminds me of a rumour). It only has the value people place on it. Even more-so with cryptocurrency . In the long run, we can't eat it, we can't use it as medicine, it won't hug us when we grieve or celebrate, I suppose we could use the promissory notes we carry in our real life wallets, to build things or wear them, but other than that, its value is based on our decision to value it. With the banks creating money out of thin air and bitcoin's and altcoin's success, I'd say we are living in very interesting times. This is a quantum leap in the way economics will work in the future. One of the reasons I like Steem and Steemit is that the people running this platform have introduced an environment of mutual co-operation, rather than the dog eat dog world of, say, Wall St, giving an opportunity to head into a new economic paradigm keeping  much  of our value on human virtues, friendship, mutual respect, community, altruism, networking for interests and causes, rather than just selfish, monetary and physical, personal gain. After all, what is the point of being monetarily and materially wealthy if that, and the further pursuit of it, is all you have?


Steemit is a great concept and I am glad to be a part of it. To me it has a fabulous opportunity to become one of the top contenders in this contest.
As far as durability is concerned? When a platform is based on the money concept and the understanding of people,it is as durable as cemeteries. There will always be a need. I can only say that people who came up with the concept were absolutely brilliant.

Very well said!

I agree. Thank you for your comment.

good blog

Thank you.

Very well said!

Thank you. :-)

very nicely this pursuit of money we tend to lose more than is not everything

Exactly. Thank you for your insightful comment.

Welcome :)

Good money is the appreciation of trust and hard work among honest men. Bad money on the other hand.... well.....

Oh... I like that. Is that yours?

Yes, but it is based on a famous quote on money from the (very hard to completely read) book 'Atlas Shrugged' written by Ayn Rand.

It resonates with the idea that a society can be destroyed by debauching its money.

The book is famous for the saying 'going Galt' (just Google it).

I've been told to read that book. I'm just not much of a fiction reader. Hopefully it will come to me and I will have the time.

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